
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 04:51:01
The driver set her down at the station.这里的set 帮我把这句话翻译一下, 问一句新概念的语法 It broke down at Ferngreen station and was taken off the linewas taken off 不是被动语态吗?为什么可以加宾语?the line是宾语吗? 鹿特丹为什么成为欧洲第一港口请以比较科学的论述,分类具体的原因,运用港口方面的知识来阐述 Do you mind my_____your math book?填什么能使句意恰当 I your math book at home.空的地方为什么要填left啊? 把Is that your math book 改为陈述句怎么改 625平方米等于多少公顷 饮水机不加热是怎么回事啊? 已知函数f(x)=根号下3sinwx+coswx(w>0),x∈R,在曲线y=f(x)与直线y=1的交点中若相邻交点距离最小值为π/3,则f(x)的最小周期 x平方=625过程 To our joy,________________-To our joy,________________1.two-fifth of the work has been finished2.two-fifths of the work have been finished3.two-fifth of the work have been finished4.two-fifths of the work has been finished Today,with such great joy,on behalf of.I'd like to extend our warmest welcome to.with such great To our great joy,Professor Liu has been award thespecial prize for his devotion to helping students为什么用has been award to our great joy,his father has been cured with his lung canner 单句改错,;理由说下还有一句 the old temple under repair date back to the ming dynasty 第11题如图,已知角A+角B+角ABC=142°则角ADC等于? 下列函数中,图象与y=x的图象相同的是 A y= 根号下x^2 B y=log a A^x,答案为什么不选A 好像都是鸡兔同笼的题目1,鸡和兔子共35只.共94只脚.鸡和兔子各有多少只?2,有20张5元的2元人民币共82元,5元和2元各有多少张?☆注意~埃克斯要大写 例 X 乘号要这样 × 除号要÷ 如不按要求,没分 The farmers are picking cotton in the field为什么用picking不用picking up?pick与pick up 什么区别? It is the harvest time.the farmers are b—— getting in the field. ______it is getting dark,____the farmers are still eorking in the fieldA,though;but B,but;though C,though;/ D,but;/ 螃蟹蒸熟后蟹黄是黑色的,这是什么原因?还有其他的螃蟹肉是绿色的,这是什么原因?都是今天买的活蟹. 蟹黄到底算是螃蟹的什么?蟹黄忽然内好吃.但是是螃蟹的什么呢? the farmers ar busy hafvesting in the _____(field) 如何区别蟹黄和蟹屎? 第五题 第六题 第八题要解析 数列 The beautiful lady to whom you just talked is Miss Zhang.为什么介词to要放在lady后面,有什么用? 全科加起来才370多,该怎么才能尽快提到450以上? 已知函数f(x)满足当x≥4时,f(x)=(1/2)^x,当x<4时,f(X)=f(x+1),则f(-2+log根号2(4))=? on no account 一元二次方程 (1 16:53:46)某超市经销一种成本为40元∕kg的水产品.市场调查发现,按50元∕kg销售,一个月销售出500kg,销售单价每涨1元,每月销售就减少10kg.针对这种水产品的销售情况,超市在每月 on no account与 scarcely区别on no account 与scarcely区别?为什么下面这道题选on no account 而不是scarcely————is this piece of equipment to be removed from the building. on no account 和 on no condition 意思一样么RT