
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 09:56:31
商店购进一种山地自行车,每台标价1600元,为促销现减价出售,第一次打八折出售,每台仍能获利25%这样售出100台商店共获利多少元? The Great Gatsby and the American Dreami need an essay about 500 word in english 愤愤不( )括号里填啥哦? ()经()道括号里应填什么 接()不(),括号里填啥? 一百条裙子的100字内容简介 一百条裙子的主要内容 一百条裙子的内容简介快 How does Gatsby represent the American dream?What does the novel have to say about the condition of the American dream in the 1920s?300 words Who is Jay Gatsby?How does Gatsby represent the American dream? The Great Gatsby:What,in the end,does the book reveal about the American Dream?Is it obtainable 已知f(x)=x+1/2 x属于[0,1/2],2(1-x)定义fn(x)=f(fn-1(x))已知f(x)=x+1/2 x属于[0,1/2],2(1-x),x属于【1/2,1],定义fn(x)=f(fn-1(x)),其中f1(x)=f(x),则f2011(1/5)= 记函数fn(x)=a*x^n-1的导函数为f'n(x),已知f3'(2)=12.求a的值 的费尔马点. 若P为三角形ABC所在平面上一点,且角APB=角BPC=角CPA=120度,则点P叫做三角形ABC的费尔马点.(1)若点P为锐角三角形ABC的费尔马点,且角ABC=60度,PA=3,PC=4,则PB的值为_____;(2)如图,在锐 p为锐角三角形ABC所在平面上一点,如果角APB=角BPC=角CPA=120度P就叫做三角形ABC的赛马点,1)若点P为锐角的费尔马点,且角ABC=60度,PA=2,PC=3,则PB的值为_____;(2)如图,在锐角三角形ABC外侧作等边三 不( )一( )俩括号填啥!~~~~急对了谢谢 已知f(x)=x+1/2,x∈[0,1/2),2(1-x),x∈[1/2,1],定义f0(x)=x,fn(x)=f(fn-1(x)),x∈N*,则f2000(1/5)= 设f(x)=(x-1)/(x+1),fn(x)=f{f[f··f(x)]}一共n个f,则f2006(x)= 在三棱锥P-ABC中,∠APB=∠BPC=∠CPA=60°,则PA与平面PBC所成角的余弦值为?带图 A=7 8此方,B=8的7此方,用AB表示56的56此方 (x²-2x)²-(x²+2x)-12因式分解 a+b=15 ab=56 求a和b各是多少?用方程解,主要就是要有每一步的详细过程. 2x^2+10x+12因式分解 英语,括号里的填英语.Yesterday we went to the zoo.lt' s far from our school.we went by( )车.At the zoo we( )(看见)many animals.The( )熊猫are from( ).The( )袋鼠are from( ).And the( )企鹅are from( ).l( )a photo of the photo of the pe 把这些英语填到合适的括号里.填词:when、what、how、who、how many 、where、which、why填句:( )is your favourite hobby?( )did you go last weekend( )subjects do you learn?( )do you usually get up?( )subjects 英语括号里填什么?A:Excuse me.( B:Yes,we lire something to eat.( ),helen?C:Well,I'd like a hamburger,some strawberries and Frenchfries.B:( C:No,Idon't like dessert,( ),Eric?B:Well,I like two eggs,three hamburbers,four strawberries,a cup of Chi 请问括号中应填什么?(英语)( )( )wears her father‘s big gloves.She looks funny.括号中应填什么?还有一句.( )wears Yang Ling’s skirt.It’s pretty,but it’s too short.括号里填什么? 已知等腰三角形的一个底角是80º,则其顶角的度数为 试讨论函数y=cos(x+a)的奇偶性 判断下列函数y=cos(x+π/3)cos(x-π/3)的奇偶性 高一物理加速度的问题,求3种解法!上节课,老师说做这种题有多种解法,至今还是没搞懂. 先拿到例题:物体沿直线做匀变速直线运动,已知在第3s内的位移是4.5m,在第10s内的位移是11.5m,求物体运 英语翻译The reason why people don't set goals is because they don't know how to do it.is 后面可以接becuse吗?为什么不用that 从句的方式?