
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 14:48:07
定冠词有几个?以及用法? 英语初二选词填空可选词:ask,meet,wait,see,go,tell,take,leave,want,konw题:One day,Liu Mei was on her way to town.She( )to go to the cinema.On the way she( )an old woman.The old woman wanted to( )her husband.He was ill in hospital.Bu 【do same doctor walk right never kind with care woman 】(选这些词哈)One cold winter moring,an old woman went to see a doctor,When she walked into the _____ office,she told him her ____ leg hurt,and that sometimes she could not __-_.She aske 八年级上册英语作业本Review of units 1-6答案为什么百度文库里的答案没有啊 八年级上册人教版英语作业本答案Review of units 1-6的笔试部分 八年级英语上册Review of units (全) review of units 1-5 19页到26页的答案 求几个英语单词词组意思1.give up2.get ready3.well-liked4.made out of 5.no matter where6.turn my attention7.go with out8.pick it to 是Review of units 1-6的,想问的是6、7什么意思,作文要写什么? 国家前面加不加定冠词the如:你知道我在美国有3个笔友吗?Do you know me have pen pal in America orDo you know me have pen pal in the America 什么情况下名词前不加定冠词the比如in hospital 为什么不说 in the hospital 英语定冠词the我老是会忘了加、也不知道加哪儿、? English是一种语言,其前不加定冠词the,若English(英语)与language(语言)连用时,English前要加the!能不能举几个列句,让我明白点啊,就要中考了, 新目标英语书40页 Review of units 1-5 新目标英语书40页 Review of units 1-5 麻烦知道的告诉下 英语中的短语和词组有什麽区别吗? 英语 教师节 怎么说,前面加不加定冠词 english和european前加不定冠词是不是都只能加a 为什么元音音素都有什么怎么判断一个词的第一个音素是什么?仅靠读音吗先谢谢大仙们了 英语翻译在每一个夜晚仲,都回想起沵的,虽然知道我们是没可能的,但是我还是,对沵有感觉... 在什么节日前要加定冠词the?什么时候不用? 国家前面要加定冠词么? 英语中,称谓前是否要加定冠词? 1.Peter swims well.(感叹句)_____ a good _____Peter is 2.what a good dance she is (保持句意不变)How _____ she ______!3.Annie is wearing a red coat.(保持句意不变)The lady ____ _____ is Annie.4.She speaks English well.(感叹 连词成句 (最好下面翻译一下)1、my,thanks,exam,to,English,I,passed,the,teacher2、my,the,news,Jimmy,good,to,knew,surpise3、Lily,me,for,is,the,train,at,station,waiting4、doctor,Tina,should,away,herself,cut,and,she,go,to,a,right5、Mr 英语翻译短文:Hi kids!i'm Guo Qiang form class 6.As you know,it's World Animal Day,and we're asking you to tell us your opinious about different animals.I think the camel is the most unusual animal.It hardly ever needs to drink water.That's in 请各位帮我解决一下这些英语问题:1、She will stop showing off if no notice is taken of her.是什么意思啊?2、Could you tell me______? A、what’s wrong with him B、what wrong is with him C、what wrong with him was 写一篇100词左右的英语作文100词关于城市里养宠物的利蔽利:安慰孤寡老人 人与动物和谐相处,增添乐趣.蔽:对环境不利.扰邻,甚至伤人.传播疾病. 若用CK做英文名的简写,那有什么英文名可以取呢?1嗰单词或2嗰单词都行XX 港剧中称呼CK之类,是不是像C开头的英文名加k发音的姓呢 CK 中文名:沉珂 英文名:Ceekay真的走了吗? 描写朋友的英语作文(描写朋友的头发、体型、身高、着装、打扮、带眼镜,为什么喜欢她……)(80到100词) 描写朋友的英语作文,(头发、体型、身高、着装、打扮、带眼镜、为什么喜欢她)(80到100词左右) 帮忙解决一下这些英语题