
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 08:42:55
英语翻译:我最爱的、最尊敬的人受到了欺负. I will go to the postoffice .Do you have some letters __.A to post B to be posted .选哪个? What do you feel,you will go to have some drink.英文猜谜猜动物 YOU have seed I will give you some colorl to see see,brothers!together up! Whenever you need warmth and love remember i will have some to give you!这段话是啥意思? i will give you some if i have any为什么最后一个填any而不是填some? 目前国内,如果有口译/笔译 二级或者以上证书 这样的条件就业前景好么?薪酬大概在什么范围之间?翻译界里 一般都需要什么资格证书? Do you have some brothers,Jim?这里为什么用some而不用any 法语口译 西班牙语口译 薪水?我想知道法语口译和西班牙语口译的薪水的大致水平.还有,如果想成为一名欧洲语言的口译,什么语种的口译员薪水比较高?那法语和西班牙语的口译机会相比,大 Why don't you have_bread?A.any B.some C.little D.a 我英语专八,笔译还行,口译差点,问:我的水平好找笔译工作吗?干笔译能收入稳定(活儿不断,干到老)吗 I have to help my mother d_____ my little brother every morning.根据首字母提示填空 我会三国语言,口译与笔译都没问题,分别是,英,法,西,我想知道下,有没有机会找个高工资的工作. 是口译收入高 还是笔译高? 英语翻译The rotation of the optics causes the optical axis of the telescope to move in a circle concentric with the center of the reticlethe optics光学器件reticle调制盘 I do not have( )brothers( )sisters a.some;and b.any;or c.any;and d.some;or Do you have any brothers or sisters?怎么答是这样回答吗yes,i have any brothers? you,any,do,brothers,have,or,sisters连词成句 Do you have any brothers or sisters?回答要较长 碧桂园凤凰城怎么样?想去广州碧桂园凤凰城www.ifengcity.com买套房子,不知道那怎么样,我考察过还行, 英语 连词成句(sisters,brothers,you,any,or,got,have) 翻译笔译和口译有什么区别 我考取了口译证与笔译证书,但眼睛不好,请问在翻译公司上班能不能只做口译而不做笔译? 英语翻译目前我市英语专八,想朝翻译方向发展,不知道英语专八能做口译还是笔译比较合适的?一般是什么样水平才可以做?需要考证书吗? 把i have some friends here.变为一般疑问句 I have some friends here(改否定句) Do you have any friends here?把 you 换成Helen Does she have ( )friends here?里面填some还是any? i don't have _____(some) friends here. 英语翻译1.It is necessary that————————(宾馆接待员确认旅客登记正确)2.To their dismay,the newcomers---(发现要在这个新国家完全适应这种气候以永久安家是不可能的)3.the president was charged---(未 英语翻译tined and dark faceshields are not to be used at night or under any poor visibility conditions as they reduce transmtted light to the user.这是一个盔上的一段英文.可我水平有限这些术语我还真不懂.! 英语翻译1.There is an understandable fascination in handing destroyers which often leads to the taking of unnecessary chances.2.The atom bomb has merely bronght home to us,harshly,as a matter of life and death,what has long been growing:our failu