
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:01:19
课程评估的概念、含义解释什么的,急需解决,希望懂的能帮忙回复一下 预初作文:My favourite job my favourite job作文及汉语意思 I Got A Feeling 歌词 Long distance call 歌词 local call long-distance call international call 概率论与数理统计 A是怎么求到的,看不懂 求Black Eyed Peas Love You Long Time歌词 I'll Be Loving You Long Time的歌词玛丽亚凯莉唱得,后面有个男的唱rap的那个歌词.高人指点. Love You Long 看了别人的回答不大明白,希望有详细一点的回答 英语翻译还有sweetheart!指什么关系的恰当点 .What can I do to make them up to you ? You mean a lot to me in my life翻译中文意思是什么?也可能是.What can I do to make that up to you ? You mean a lot to me in my life紧急拜托 翻译:turn down for what 作文,以微笑为主题,该写什么事例,最好有例文 I've got a bad feeling about this这句话中 have got 和got 有什么区别 哪个更常用 I`ve got this 我不晓得这句英语的意思, 1 You can not imagine that a top student_____have failed in the college entrance examination.(课本答案是C,但是个人觉得是D,A might B need C should D would2 She is ____ a new play.Don not ____ her.A rehearsing;interrupt B playing;interruptC 懂我的人不必解释!不懂我的人何必解释!翻译为英文 我想买一本英语语法书,希望语法解释详细全面,请懂的人推荐一下,我英语基础很差 英文科练习题in of for into aftere.g I was born in Shanghai eleven years ago1.The vase was broken .pieces2.Ronald is afraid .snakes3.I am fond .playing computer games4.Peter is weak .Mathematics5.Nurse looks .the sick6.Susan is looking .her lost 主系表+that,其中that做的是表语从句不?还是宾语从句耶? be aware that是什么从句,that引导的是表语从句还是宾语从句 I still remember the day______I first came to the college.A.on whichB.in whichC.at whichD.which2.,They will never forget the day ____they got married.A.that B.which C.in which D.when 3.The factory ___his mother works is in the east of the city.A.that what do you think of the mistake you make?do you think it is ommon剩下的 英语I still remember the day when I first came to the college虽然看到了这个,但还是不怎么清楚。能不能具体的说说 when 和 that 区别另外,本人英语很破,基本上分布清楚什么定语 宾语之类的 I still remember the days —— we worked together中间若是用which则是用on which还是during which?谢谢啦 do mistake not make any组句 I couldn't catch your heart,I don't know your heart?I don't know that I don't know what good,I l翻译下,急. My grandma is taking the s( )填什么? 求翻译!what tears your heart also builds it. 用第三人称改写My grandma is answer the phone.如何改