
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 07:07:19
Tony did not say anything.(改同义句) Tony __ __ Did you say anything at the meeting Yes,but ()it.A.I'd rather not do B.I'd rather not doing C.I'd rather not have done Di'dther not did 지나온 세월 根据下面短文回答问题并加翻译Experts say that students usually need eight to ten hours’ sleep at night , but more Chinese students do not get enough sleep. Some Chinese parents are usually glad to see their children studying late. They 英语翻译Jim knocked on the door of the manager's office."Come in," a voice called out.Jim entered the room."Ah,just take a seat,will you,Hall" the manager said."Actually," Jim said,"my name isn't Hall.I've come about…""Your name isn't Hall?" in 期末考倒数怎么办啊我平时成绩还不错,可这次期末不知怎么了门门都没考好,马上要回校了,我怕同学,老师笑我,怎么办啊 Don’t say anything at the meeting unless——A.to be askedB.being askedC.askingD.asked为什么 翻译 犯贱一词用英文怎么讲 大概意思也可 he is a teacher这句话中有谓语吗? all 和some 为何可以连用There came three men in square caps,all some forty to fifty years old 请问其中all some 从来不晓得有all 和some 连用的现象. 怎样通过发射过来的超声波对超声波发射装置进行定位测距 All science students,______,should have a good foundation in basic sciences.a.whether they are future physicists and chemists b.they are future physicists or chemists c.they should be future physicists or chemists d.be they future physicists or chemi 带有徘徊这个词的古诗 我想知道摄像头黑屏时什么原因,提示“file dewices options capture help" Help Files是什么? 执zhuo的zhuo是哪个字 zhuo力培养的zhuo是哪个字? 请问,and 是并列连词吧?那么它连的是the struggles of the chess world 还是the struggles of.后一整句?Suddenly I was in the media spot-light and the struggles of the chess world were compounded extra pressures on my shoulders. Virgin Galactic是什么意思 He's a b_____boy.he knows everything. 从事口译工作者进.,我是学工商管理的,首先我想问一下大家觉得英语口译和工商管理能不能兼容.然后,有没有资深的口译工作者,能不能介绍一下你们工作的情况,或者说氛围,还有服务对象.和 若0 已知函数f(x)=log1/2|sinx|(1)求f(x)的定义域与值域.(2)判断f(x)的周期性,若是周期函数求周期. not see的过去式是什么? lgx=1/3lga-1/2lgb+1 则X=? 圆锥的母线长为L,高为L/2,则过圆锥顶点的最大截面的面积为( )A.√3L2/4 B.L2/2 C.√3L2 /2 D.L2/4选项中,分子的2都是指平方. 姜文语录之“站着把钱挣了”,也是电影《让子弹飞》中的台词吧,详解. parole(法语,意思是?) langue 和parole 的区别 In order to let the children receive a good education,he was heavily in debt 分析句子的主谓宾另外请问逗号前后的两个句子是分别完整的句子吗?急 求c++编程,猴子选大王,采用面向过程的思想实现要求编程实现: 猴子选大王问题描述:m只猴子围坐一圈,从1开始报数,每数到第n个,该猴子就要离开此圈,这样依次下来,直到圈中只剩下最 男性的大棒子可以吃吗