
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:54:50
i could sing the song when i was5.同义句是什么? When you want to_____,you say "Sorry."(apology) I also like playing volleyball.(同义句) Kate likes playing volleyball.Her friend also likes playing volleyball.(同义句转换)_____Kate_____her friend like playing volleyball. 小明能卷舌,母亲也能卷舌,但父亲不能卷舌.老师也像网上这样解释,可我不懂.“用一个假设就可以了假设卷舌基因是隐性那么他们三人的基因型小明:aa 母亲aa 父亲 Aa或AA {有疑问:不是小明能 如何区别汉字中发音有卷舌和没卷舌的 父母不会卷舌 孩子会卷舌 那孩子是亲生的吗生物学上好象把不卷舌的称为隐性 如果用字母来代表的话卷舌是R不卷是r 然后根据公式...rr*rr..基本上不是不会是卷吗? want to say sorry to you also say thank you for you的中文意思.谢谢. .the book is written by Jk Rwling .It is well worth reading.(合并句子) 唱歌的英语单词是singing还是sing a song? song与sing有什么区别 如何发好普通话翘舌音,大家都说我的翘舌音发得太过, the history museum is full of art__________ which is well worth visiting.A.wealth B.goods C.treasures D.cases The museum is well worth seeing.翻译下well 可以去掉么? The museum is well worth seeing.翻译下 What ( ) Simon ( ) (play)?He is playing volleyball. qingdao ,a most beautiful city of china,is well worth visiting 中的a为何不可换为the an old and mysteriouscourtry,one well worth visiting.这是省略了什么吗?不是BE worth doing吗? I just want to say I'm sorry! If I was wrong from the beginning.什么意思,我小学水平.谢谢,勿吐. 英语翻译10.The Way to SuccessEveryone tries to achieve success in his career.However,someone finally attains his goal while another fails.Why?The one continues his cause to the end through long periods of hard struggling,but the other is easily d 外国人听中文是什么感觉?会觉得中文说起来好听吗我是想问中文听起来悦耳吗,在外国人看来 09年六月英语四级考了450能不能过 我方言鼻音很重,学普通话怎学比较容易改! Only in this way ------the foreign language well .A can we learn B can learn we .C should we canD we can learn 急求!选词填空 I hear () a new song A.singing B.to sing C.sings my favorite vacation spot 英语作文 80词左右,不要有太深的单词! Mua是亲亲的意思 那Miu是什么意思?难道 真的 没人 知道了么? 我很急的丫 my favorite sport 一种 my summer vacation 英语日记70词,希望我没有见过 初一水品运动最好写游泳或跑步 英语翻译너의 모든 순간 그게 나였으면 좋겠다 是哪国语言,啥意思? 美式英语的卷舌间和汉语的卷舌音是一样的吗.也就是美式英语发R的时候是不是像中文发儿化音一样.比如 first、 broke 、heart for、 never、another 这些里面都有R.美式英语有R的都是卷舌音,但在这 美式英语的卷舌 是什么样的正确发音方法是 是舌尖定住上鄂 还是舌头往上卷 还是发卷舌音是舌头两边向中间卷 还是舌头往下卷 说英语时,怎样卷舌是对的舌头是顶在硬腭上,还是软腭上.