
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 10:43:48
What you like best about studying English用汉语怎么说 I like English best .What.about you?(同义句转换)I like English best.()()you? 求一首歌,歌词里有一段是merry merry Christmas,merry merry Christmas,merry merry Christmas 什么day,其余就不知道了,有不有人知道歌名的? 英语翻译阿京尼翻译成英文名 英语翻译我的中文名字叫:黄逸明!怎样把我的名字翻译成英文名字呢?可不是中国拼音种喔?正规点的英文名? 根据 “ 新飞扬 ” 发音起英文名 近似“嘉茵”读音的英文名平时英文名都叫“Ivy”的、、、不过想想,好像不太和中文名相似所以想改一个、、大家帮帮忙想想看来大家写得出、、我也不会读最好注音例:Kitty音:ki ti 向你的帐户汇款用英语怎么说 英语翻译把这句话翻译过来! here's something new about the english speech contest. 怎么翻译? 麻烦帮忙翻译一句英语谢谢It's about marriage,career,daily world and something like that 如何回答Merry Christmas Merry Christmas!怎么回答 有人给我发短信说 merry christmas 我用口语怎么回答 Merry Christmas 的回答是什么 请问 汇率按照汇款当天计算 英语怎么说? 英语翻译改革开放以来,我国企业的发展、成长取得举世瞩目的成绩,综合国力明显增强,人民生活明显改善,国际地位明显提高.中小企业为此做出了应有的贡献,各类企业严格按照“优胜劣汰、 英语翻译7.Dual-signature principleArcelor has adopted a dual-signature system for purposes of legal representation.Without prejudice to the power of representation granted to the Board of Directors by law,the Company is only committed to third pa 英语翻译Google翻译的太死板 而且有一些单词翻译不出来 有没有比Google翻译器还好的翻译器 英语翻译with respect to board of directors‘s decisions that require shareholders approval,the significant shareholder will vote in accordance with the position expressed by the board of directors,unless the significant shareholder opposes any s I Love You Forever-Jewel歌词的中文翻译 英语翻译翻译地正常点- - 前面是Tom and Fred are students.They are both twelv前面是Tom and Fred are students. They are both twelve years old, and. 发音近似青云的英文名、 Tom and Fred are students.They are both twelve years old,and they are in the sameclass in their school.Last Friday afternoon they have a fight (打架) in class,and their teacher is very angry.He says to both of them," Stay here after the lesson 有没有一个单词的发音近似若源,我想用这个单词做英文名. 前面还有一句Tom and Fred are talking about the year2020前面还有一句Tom and Fred are talking about the year2020,“What 帮忙找下发音近似我中文名的英文名 我的名字叫:张晨浩 不用带着姓,只要取一个跟"晨浩"发音近似的英文名或者单词就可以了!(例如:蔡依林叫:jolin ;陈奕迅叫:eason ;容祖儿叫joey ) 如 Tom and Fred are students.They are twelve years old 翻译题 请按以下银行信息安排汇款 用英语怎么说啊?RT 英语翻译开户地址:中国云南省景谷县农村信用合作社联合社营业部 行号:402747599982户名:帐号: 从中国往美国的WELLS FARGO BANK(富国银行)汇款..从中国往美国的WELLS FARGO BANK(富国银行)汇款,我以前的银行卡是wachovia的,后来被WACHOVIA 被WELLS FARGO BANK给收购了,现在我妈要从国内给我汇钱,