
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 03:34:04
五年级新年英语作文(不要太深奥啊) 要一篇关于科技的初二水平英语作文.最好有译文,不要有太多深奥的单词. 藏语中太阳怎么说? 藏语在线翻译..藏语中的“祝福”怎么说的? 英文回访函前几天举行了一个晚会,请了很多外国人(都是关联公司领导和高级客户),但是有部分人没来..现在领导要我弄份邮件过去问问人家为啥没来.怎么措辞比较好啊? If you try your best,everything can be done well额、、忘记说了, Try your best.It is not a _____{difficult或early}sum 藏语翻译;非常好 I was on time.Jack was late.I got there earlier than____ Jack drives to work and usually ____ (到)there on time . The meeting ___by the time I got there yesterdayA was on B has been on C had begun D hasbegun The meeting ______by the time I got there yesterday. A. was on B. has been on C. had begun D. has begun 详细解析,谢谢 1.Saturday and Sunday are w.2.I was w if Peter can get there on time.3.My pare读一读,补全单词 a girl with long hair 初《爱莲说》外,还有那些关于莲的诗句及其解释哪?要解释为重上有错字,“初”改为“除”除 关于荷花的成语包括解释?还有诗句? 歌唱家宋祖英今年春晚宋祖英是真唱吗?她唱的怎么样? 像宋祖英 彭丽媛这样的民族歌唱家还有哪些,男女都算,但是专唱美声的就算了 英语翻译英语句子翻译merry和我一样苗条宋祖英是中国最著名的歌唱家之一她的大眼睛使她看上去非常惹人喜爱你愿意告诉我你未来的计划吗?mike很有幽默感,和他在一起从不感到无聊跑步看 宋祖英是我国著名的女高音歌唱家( 改变词序,语意不变 ) Good food and exercise help me( )[提示词语 study] better 谁能告诉我学英语口语是李阳好还是新东方好? 学英语口语是学新东方好还是学沪江好学英语口语是学新东方好还是学沪江合适 请教下学英语口语应该注意些什么?新东方学英语口语好吗, 英语翻译Da da da da da...People say love Comes and goes,but They don't understand What they don't know Cause,what I feel starts Deep inside It's kinda like a sea That springs into life They say it's not right And we move too fast But they don't k 描写岩石的句子要3句,多几句也行!急! 所有的石头都是岩石,这句话对吗?请面对小学生讲,并说明理由 怎样描写岩石就是很大的岩石并且很多的今天就要,越多越好 描写海边岩石的句子 it's nearly time for bed.这里nearly time for bed 的用法是什么语法?怎么可以这样用? It's time to do sth是固定用time to do sth,还是说名词加to 加do sth 有个这样的语法 It's nearly(几乎)time for s_____.横线上填什么词?