
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 02:47:34
()的努力 ()的奇迹 ()的麋鹿 填词语‘ 他的刻苦努力令人由衷-------(------处填带敬的词语) 在括号里填上适当的词()的摄影师,()地努力 这英语super junior—— sorry sorry啥意思? 简单的英语语法知识这几个单词怎么区别 a an the 什么情况下不用最好能举个例子 英语语法好复杂, 几个简单的英语语法点because,so用法区别动词的like和介词的like用法区别 你说得也太简单了,而且你的答案我在很多很多知道或网站看过了 __How can I make friends in a new school?__Say hello to__to you today,and you can have a friend A.new someone.B.someone new .C.new anyone) 英文小作文 How can i make friends in the new term50个单词左右, The evidence is invalid in that it was obtained through illegal means.请翻译中文意思? 英语长句分析与断句Another case is that illegal……Another case is that illegal acts in the banking sectors most frequently stressed case is to prevent officials from abusing their power and trading power for personal gain.请帮我分析 英语语法拼写要告诉我单词的发音 和字母的发音比喻知道一个单词 不用看注释,不用查字典,就能知道是怎么读的比喻 一个单词 Microsoft 就能知道这个单词怎么读就能知道这些字母发写什么音 1.See who’s there!______ I t be Mary?A.May B.Must C.Can D.Will 2.I’m surprised that he _____ in the exam.A.should fail B.would have failed C.may have failed D.should have failed 3.She’s already two hours late.What ______ to her?A.can have happe 八上英语语法有哪些啊? She is ______the prices of the food ______the market and ______the supermarket.I like ______(steam )fish ,______(bake)potatoes,_______(fry)cabbage and ______(boil)eggs in the morning.Don't touch the ______(boil)water .It's very hot.______(freeze) foo i look forward to enjoying making new friends in this school这里用making对吗?enjoy此时为什么句子成分 八下英语语法 90.The last half of the nineteenth century___the steady improvement in the means of travel.A.has witnessedB.was witnessedC.witnessedD.is witnessed91.Since she is angry,we ______.A.has better leaving her alone,B.should leave her alone.C.might as well office2013 怎么样才能使它有检查英语语法以及拼写错误的功能啊我记得office2003的时候有这种功能的,要不是是绿色要不是红色的波浪下划线,但是2013为什么没有呢 关于英语语法8请写明过程 唐诗或者宋词带“博”字的诗句 谨慎认真的词语有哪些?一定要二字词语哦! 求反博一定要读书才有用的句子文章急求.急.现在的家长都说只有读书才能赚到钱之类个D话。点反驳阿 请问上海新东方BEC高级班怎么样? 谁有新东方BEC中级的辅导视频啊 谁有新东方BEC中级的辅导视频啊 另外有什么经验啥的要注意的都告诉我吧 .加q735163723BEC属于职业资格证吗? 万圣节的含义是什么?万圣节的含义是什么 万圣节是什么含义? 万圣节是什么意思? 佩恩6道到底是什么?就是长门控制的6个人?为何长门不和他们6个人同时出现?还有为什么那6个人会变啊?有时候有小南有时候事6个男人?最后一个问题,佩恩不是被长门控制的么 怎么有几集听阿 帮我翻译一下下面的文字(把英文译成中文)急需Be a green kid what does it mean to be green?"Green"here isn'tjust a color.It means taking steps to protect the water,the land and the air around us.Here are four steps to be green. f 什么是清辅音\浊辅音? 新东方的精英实战商务英语和剑桥商务英语证书(BEC)哪个更实用