
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 07:38:52
为什么写不好字? 为什么有个字永远都写不好呢?是什么字啊? 为什么自己总写不好字? 甲乙两数的和是108.9,甲数的小数点向右移动一位就等于乙数,则乙数是( ) 方程:三个数的和是108,甲数的4倍等于乙数的5倍,甲数比丙数少10,问三个数...方程:三个数的和是108,甲数的4倍等于乙数的5倍,甲数比丙数少10,问三个数各是多少?设丙数是X,一个未知数的 如何解魔方 log底数1/2指数(2x+1)不等于0,算出x的取值范围 港大的自我简介,请用英文简述报读香港大学的原因,选择志愿的考虑及对未来的展望或其他相关的资料.(250字内)I‘m an ordinary graduate from the middle school attached to Yunnan Normal University.The reason why I 好的作文题材有没有比较新颖的时间,最好是初中上下发生的事是新颖的事件. 写亲情作文用点什么题材呢?一直找不到好的可写的题材.比如写母爱吧,写点什么呢,这就是我一直想不好的 用关联词把句子连起来 你已经意识到自己的错误.你应该去道歉. 帮一篇作文《记一件难忘的事》,我实在想不出什么好的题材.各位帮忙一下……谢谢了. 6题,用关联词合并句子 香港大学英语标准是什么?考香港大学,笔试和面试有哪些衡量标准? 一个圆锥的侧面展开后如图,求这个圆锥的表面积展开后是个四分之一圆,它的半径是4厘米,下面有一个圆,是算它的体积 画出图中几何体的三视图 港大申请英语简历 求指正!Personal statementI’m astudent who graduated from XXX School in XX.Though it ishard to fulfill,I have a dream of changing the world---the same as Steven jobs’.To achieve my dream,it is beneficial for me to under 港大个人简介请大家提提意见Personal Statement Dear teachers,I’m a student who graduated from the No.1 High School Affiliated to CCNU.It will be a great honor for me if I can get access to the world-famous university--HKU. There ar 港大申请个人简介写了一篇,I aspire to enter HKU because of the high teaching and learning quality and the whole-person education.What's more,I believe that studying in HK will broaden my horizons at a more open and freedom stage.Having alw I have been dreaming of going to the University of Hong Kong since I was young.The rich history and culture really appeal to me.Meanwhile,I’d like to face the challenge of a new language,a new life,and a new way of thinking.As we all know,with extr 圆锥的侧面积和圆锥侧面展开图面积的区别是什么? 一个圆锥的侧面展开图形是半径为8cm,圆心角为120°的扇形,则此圆锥的底面半径为 100-2x)(50-2x)=3600 5000-200x-100x+4x(2)=3600 这个去括号, logx(X的平方+1) logx-1^(3x2-2x-1)=2,求x 若LOGX(X2-2X+2)=1,则X= He will try to save money as much as he can.改为同义句He will try to save money as ___ ___ ___. l Will strive to make money to lsa这句英文是什么意思? I want to make a lot money so my family will live a better life.翻译I want to make a lot money so my family will live a better life. 牛奶的化学式 作文:与困难同行 让我棘手的事情作文800