
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 14:03:23
蟹脚兰为什么长的那么慢两年都不见得一长.求求你们了, 蟹爪连怎么样 浅谈如何提高政治觉悟 英语中过去时和过去分词都在什么情况下运用? 能否帮忙提供一下2010年12月13日至2011年2月26日赣州的天气情况,有阴、晴、雨和最高-最低气温即可! what food do you have for supper?有没有语法错误(liancichen 春游的建议作文 青岛的地方急,是写青岛的地方的,是 是作文,算了,谁字多选谁吧 现在纽约时间是几点了? 纽约哪个时区 请告诉我现在纽约的时间!北京晚上七点半,那么纽约的具体时间是几点? 北京时间10:00,纽约时间为几点?快点! She's not pleased with her husband and is always him.A going with B going in with C getting on with D going on at Q:which one to choose?And please translate each choice.Thank you.B going on with 营口市盖州今晚或以后还有地震吗? ( ) ( )( )birthday present does he get Jimmy opens his birthday present quicklyas he can.Jimmy _ _ _ open his birthday present.改写同义句 四年级下册600字的春游作文怎么写? Grandma said that she had a lot of trouble ____ your handwriting.a. to read b.to see c.reading d.in seeing 理由不是a d 今天5:18分为什么会地震,辽宁营口盖州市 辽宁省营口市盖州市、大石桥市、市辖区交界发生4.3级地震 辽宁营口和盖州房价市区里即可,不需要繁华地段.不需要海景房.普通楼房新盘 简短英翻中 在线等答案 谢谢 希望准确翻译 翻译机自重It was hypothesized in this study that advertising appeals congruent with viewers' self-concept would be superior to incongruent appeals in terms of enhancing advertising effect 现在纽约时间是几点 we have  helped many poor children什么they think we do very important worka,but b,so c,or c,while 2012年7月12日盖州地震多少级 盖州刚刚地震了?震感貌似很强 英语翻译It is professionally and personally rewarding to work in a global network of educational geographers who share your subject competence,educational ethic and commitment for a sustainable development of our world.大哥 你自己读读通 I would like to make a reservation for 4 people at noon tomorrow.可不可以不要would? 英语翻译内容如下我在贵公司消费的订单编号为F305676820,本人于1月21日消费128美金,由于你们缺货,我于1月31日申请取消订单,并且你们的客服人员成功取消了我的订单,但是我的信用卡除了在1月 shit 是什么? better,you,yesterday,are,than组句子 you,like,would,cup,a,coffee,of组句子I,this,best,ever,car,the,have,see,is组句子. 英语翻译我还剩下什么?这可笑的一切!翻译上面那句话,翻译机不用来 He arrived at the office.He made himself a cup of coffee.(as……soon……as)连接