
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 13:49:39
《截拳道之道-李小龙》(Tao of Jeet Kune Do - Bruce Lee)有中文的吗?还有出版么?详细内容 How do you find the lecture by Mr.lee?---____为什么是Very boring? Jeet kune warning C4620: no postfix form of 'operator ++' found for type 'pp', using p那位高手解释一下吧 谢谢了! i'm late.i want to come into the classroom.有礼貌地提出要求i'm late.____ ____come in? I’m late.I want to come into the classroom.(有礼貌地提出要求)I’m late .___ ___ come in? he says Edison inwented the light bulb in the 19th century 改为主动句或被动句 请问大家下六年级上册数学脱式计算题和应用题说出来吧,感受大伙了9e 在家教里人物代号数字99是谁 1.Mary of have long hair. 2.so it is hard to tell whetther they boys or girls. they us me are isthem.be have句号后面是选的 一个勾股数...一个较长的直角边是160.剩下的一个斜边和一个较短的直角边的关系是.斜边是较短直角边的2倍 Doctors are often caught in a ____ because they have to decide whether theyA.puzzle B.perplexity C.dilemma D.bewilderment选择哪一个,为什么 , 家教里每个人的数字代号和守护者的特性 edison invent the electric light 还是edison invented the electric light时态是用现在时好呢还是过去式呢,答案给的是过去式,但是爱迪生发明电灯不可以看成是客观事实吗追问英语中说客观真理用一般现在 勾股数中 ( )作为直角边长( )作为斜边长 勾股数中() 作为直角边长,() 作为斜边长,常见的勾股数有3 4();5 ()13;7 24 () 老师写了两个勾股数的构造法给我们.但是这道题只是说一条直角边长为13.但是这条直角边长究竟是勾还是股?请问怎么看?谢谢! Have they __the new type of car before they are put on the market?A.examined B,checked C.inspected D.tested 请说明选什麽,并给出理由.理由要详细.急需!谢谢! 填词 Did the engineer e---------------the machine Look!The students __(show)how to operate the machine by the engineer. 高一数学,下列属于集合的是:下列属于集合的是:1,方程X^2-1=0的解.2,不等式2X-3大于0的解.3.直角三角形.4,三角形.5,方程X^2-2X+1=0的解.6,{所有正三角形},7,{正三角形}.请老师赐教,谢谢了. 我想问下勾股定理的勾股数和在直角三角形中如果有一个角是30度那么所对边等于斜边的一半不矛盾么? “根号二的近似值”这组对象为什么不能构成集合? “根号2的近似值的全体”能构成集合吗? 根号二的近似值可以组成集合么? 根号2的近似值,构成的集合,是有限集还是无限集说明理由, we hope that we'll take a scholl trip next weekl.同意句 根号三所有可能的近似值 能组成一个集合吗?我知道根号三所有近似值或者根号三近似值全体什么的概念太模糊指示不明确……可是 根号三所有可能的近似值 就包含了所有的精确程度啊?有 高一圆的直线方程在平面上,已知定点A,B且|AB|=2a,如果动点P到点A的距离和到B点的距离之比为2:1,那么动点P移动会形成什么曲线————————————————我分别把A当做原点算了一 Thomas edison lit up the world with his invention ofthe electric light. i think selectric light are the most helpful invention .(对electric lights 提问) Do you have a stamp?Uh-huh.Here.Thanks.Now I_____go to the post office to buy stamps.A.won't B.mustn't C.am not going to D.don't have to