
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 00:34:47
玳瑁饰品是指什么东西? you are ___determined___ enough.里面的determined可以替换成tough .为什么?这是教科书上的答案 装饰装修中门中心线和窗中心线是指什么? 不同来源的硫酸软骨素功效一样么? 硫酸软骨素的作用是什么如题 谢谢了 Hydrating Amino Acid是什么意思,是化妆品上写的 please show me some romantic American flimI like to watch Amercian films ,such as the Twilight ...could you show me some new film about the pure love?thanks kindness Are You Sincere?歌词 if you go away far enough then you are on the way You may have_cake if you are not full enough.答案是another .这里为什么不能用other 你的日常生活中有没有这些问题?怎样才能更健康?请完成下列句子 If you don't sleep enough ____________If you don't have enough exercise,_______________________________If you eat too many fatty foods,____________________________ 通过红外光谱为什么!可以区分对甲基苯芬和苯甲醇?.不是都有羟基吗? I can get off the subway or bus one stop away from my destination,so we could save some gas. The machine didn't work because petrol was A;run out B;running out of C.run out of D;running out I want to say to her:“Thank you!”.How about swim in the sea?改错两句话分别改 随着科技的发展很多电器上的电源指示灯都采用LED(发光二极管),其好处是 1,A;Look at the trees and grass!B:On,trees and grass are _____.A:What's the weather like in _____B:It's _____and_____2,A:what_____is it now?B:It's______A:What's the weather like in_____ B:It's_____and______第一幅图上有书和小草,正在下雨 短周期各原子半径大小 最好列表 企鹅一般生活在多少度到多少度之间 在竞争日益激烈的现代社会,应该如何学会生存,学会竞争呢? 在竞争日夜激烈的今天,我应该如何学会生存学会竞争呢 家长对孩子寒假的体会与意见怎么写?主要是想知道开头怎么写,用家长的语气把孩子寒假所做的事的意见与体会写出来.开头怎样写好呢? 1.现代社会,面对如此激烈的竞争,你会对你的同学说些什么?2.有人说,现代社会需要的是竞争,不需要合作,你认为呢?请说说你的理由. 气相色谱法中的内加法优缺点及适用范围 in the Who in the hell is that? 决斗太平洋 HELL IN THE PACIFIC怎么样 The game of death、 walk me in Hell什么意思 Is there a shop around ___ we can get fruit?假如需要关系代词.是不是只能填in which .而不能用that?明白的请解释. Is there astore around here ()I can get some stamps .括号里用in which 还是that 为什么 已知r1=10欧,r2=40欧,把r1与r2并联后接入某电路中,测出通过r1的电流为2安,求售1),在r2两端的电压;(2)r1与r2并联後的总电阻 You are late again.That's _____ she gets angry.A because B.why C.how D.so 硫酸氨基葡萄糖胶囊哪个牌子的效果好?