
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:50:36
LESS CHARGE是什么意思,外汇到款的说明项--details of payment:less charge好像都不对 There are a lot of shops on this there ( )( )any shops in this villagr now填什么 This is a jacket in englishi 对jacket进行提问 this girl is----- the bed. A.in B.on 根据上下文把对话补充完整A:would you mind coming here,dear?B:ok,I'm coming right away______________ 这两个是什么意思~摩托车的JL1500MG☆131073403☆和☆LAACTEJC810A73403这两个 造几句定语从句2句主语是人或物2句宾语是人或物初中水平 帮忙造几个英语定语从句他的父母提醒他注意功课为了挽救许多人的生命他努力工作新年那天,许多人都许下了愿望不是定语从句 是 用 一般现在时 一般过去时 造句 帮我造几个定语从句的句子啊,要求如下1.只能用as引导的.(2句)2.非限制性定语从句,从句中有all of 或some of的.(2句)3.如果有时间的帮我造2个同位语从句.先谢谢了啊~.. 怎么造定语从句_50分如何用which that whose whom who造定语从句说明白点,.最好来几个例句,我是初二的,不要弄的太难= =能不能总结一下...which that whose whom who都各来个例句,不要抄袭别人的,抄袭 Drink,Little Girl(2000)Maximilian Do you know the bank?(改为同义句)Can you tell me _ _ _ the bank?在帮我看一题walk through the street ang you can find it(改为同义句) — — —through the street ang you can find it do you know ___ from the bank to the supermaket ——it's about 20 minute.a.how far it will b.how long it will 中国历史上除秦桧外,还有哪些卖国求荣的人 10道定语从句选择题,1.The girl____is in red is marry.A whom B who C where D which2.The factory____we'll visit next week is in Beijing.A where B to which C chich D in which3.I like the boy____is singing very much.A where B who C whom D which4.T 谁知道hot summer英文歌词是英文的 i will finish homework when i------(leave) 造定语从句1.that,which做宾语时2.that做介词时3.that,which,who做主语时4.which,whom做介词时至少造两个句子 定语从句怎么造 _____my next day_____,I want to go camping with my sister.A:In,off B:On,of C:At,of D:On,off选啥,为啥 If my mother (let),I will go camping with you next week.空白处填什么, 法官是在法院里工作,他是在法院里工作,所以,他无疑是法官 锤的来源锤子,就是李元霸所用的那种双手大锤是怎么出现的啊,我看好多拳法中都有**锤的招式,锤法和拳法是不是有甚么关联啊主要是问下锤和拳法有没有什么联系。 I do not know about.(同义句) I have 两个I do not know about.(同义句) I have 两个空格 about it. 遵守社会公德是法律要求吗? 没有法律大家还会遵守公德么 法锤英语怎么说 两个锤子你都想要吗?用英语怎么说 小锤英语怎么说 你想用锤子做什么用英语怎么说? 先秦诸子,百家争鸣.请问“不战而屈人之兵”出至百家中那一家思想?