
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 18:01:00
清明节去李大钊的墓你想说什么作文200字 扫烈士李大钊墓有感要现成的! 清明扫列士墓的作文 怎么写?要400字 从没有扫过墓,但要写清明节的作文,怎么写啊、、、、、、、、 发/misiŋ/,/speʃəl/,/kru:əlti/,/blaind/的单词 如图,在正方形ABCD中,F为CD延长线上一点,CE⊥AF于E,交AD于M,求∠MFD的度数.、 以三角形ABC的三边为边,在BC的同一侧分别作三个等边三角形,即三角形ABD、三角形BCE、三角形ACF,请回答下列问题:(1)、四边形ADEF是什么四边形?(2)、当三角形ABC满足什么条件时,四边形ADE 求解一道初二几何题.在线等.谢谢.应该选C 16已经知道大致方法了.就是作点B关于AC的对称点B',由B向AB引垂线,分别AC于点M,交AB于点N,此时BM+MN=B‘M且最短、可是怎么才能求出16呢?答案上说是用 【求解】一道初二的几何题,谢谢.http://wenwen.soso.com/z/q132788229.htm?rq=133102418&ri=2&uid=0谢谢. 运用想象,把下列成语构想成生动的画面,并用文字表达出来.1.风尘仆仆 2.眉飞色舞 3.灰心丧气 300字的 运用想象,用灰心丧气、眉飞色舞这2个成语,分别构想成生动的画面,并用文字表达出来.大约200字多一点儿,是分别写灰心丧气、眉飞色舞的画面.今天晚上10点前,急用! 唐突的意思,近义词,造句 求“唐突孟浪”的意思 唐突是什么意思? 试分析下面句中带点词用得好在哪里?浸浴在笛子柔美的声音里,喝着从铝壶里倒出来的冰冷的酸橙水,你会觉得,整颗心都凉了起来.带点词:浸浴,凉叙利亚的卖水人留给你什么印象?请结合文中 一个英语单选题,我认为选B,可答案给的是A.请教高手到底选什么呢?If you had told us earlier _____ he was, we could have introduced him at the meeting.A. who B. whom 英语单选题:第一题为什么选b?而a,c不行, A man came round with a tray of chocolates...这里的OF怎么说呢prep.1.(表示时间)在…的,在…之前; 在…期间 2.(表示方式)根据 3.(表示对象)对于,就…而言 4.(表示原因)由于,因为 5.(表示方位)在; 位于 6.(表 thoughispeak with the tongues of men and of angethoughispeak with the tongues of men and of angels. and have not charity i am become as sounding brass or a tink ling cymbal 这是什么意思? One of every three American adults with mental illness smokes,compared with how many without mental illness?啥意思 满园春色关不住,一直红杏出墙来,请用哲学来阐述它的含义谢 这道英语单选题选什么?Because of the financial crisis,days are gone_____local 5-star hotels charged 6000 yuan for one night.A.if B.when C.which D.sincedays are gone在这里是什么意思? 这道英语单选题应该选什么?为什么?In my eyes,your articles is at least ( ),if not better than Doris'.A.as good as B.so good as C.no worse than D.as better as答案给的是A,请问大家正确么,请具体分析下! 英语单选题请朋友们给选一下题号:11 Don’t you feel surprised to see George at the meeting?Yes.I really didn’t think he ______ here.选项:a、has beenb、had beenc、would bed、would have been题号:12 How much has the company _____ 这两道英语单选题应该选什么?为什么?1.This is ( ) a heavy box ( ) no one can lift it.2.This is ( ) a heavy box ( ) no one can lift.A.so;that B.so;as C.such;that D.such;as这两道题应该选什么,另外还请大家帮我详细分析 宽容是............ 大家帮忙造几个句子呀用with the development of,As time going on=with time gong no 各造3个句子,共6个句子喔~~~~~~~~~ 请大家帮忙造个句.漆黑的羽翼伸展于##之上.请大家填##里的词.最好是两个字. 英语翻译'Mental and emotional balance is the least we should expect from the people running for public office.It's not a matter of party or politics.It's a matter of raising the criteria by which any person would be allowed to run for office".这 mental or physical persuasion如何翻译? 新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版3册的答案 要6.7单元的就可以了unit1的标题是enjoy the colorful campus life救命啊……怎么没有人? 满园春色关不住,一枝红杏出墙来写是什么季节