
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:12:42
翻译 Danny goes to the hospital because he hurts his nose . 小明不小心打碎一块玻璃.被老师批评了.心里有了阴影.求阴影面积. 今天是暑假后开学的第一天,小明一到教室,老师就说:大伙安静点,过了一会儿,老师问小明你的作业呢,小明低下头沉默不语.于是老师打电话给小明的妈妈说:你家小孩子怎么连暑假作业都不做 Zhang Ming is working hard because he wants to ass the coming exam.改为同义句 上周我参加夏令营.英语怎么写? dark blue 神马意系?Thank you She is a great teacher because she really___the children.A.realtes to B.takes charge of C.counts on D.puts up with为什么不选B? I want to stay wity you ,because,you make me feel really sweet,but,I don'know,if it is true.It's very diffcult.I just want to say :I will miss you,until you not know me 大家觉得韦博英语怎么样,都来说说吧? 有谁学过韦博英语?感觉怎么样?能具体的说说么? Do you like the food?------Yes,it________A.taste goodB.tastes goodC.taste wellD.tastes well Do you like the new pen?--- Yes,it ____ smoothly.a、is written b、is writing c、writesd、wrote 在A(a)基因座位上出现基因C的现象,在遗传学上属于__染色体__变异.的原因是什么? i am buy girl什么意思 议论文“社会责任” 4.-Tom,remember_______(bring)your homework to school tomorrow.-OK,I will. 夏天的晚上,海龟爬到海滩上做什么?下雨前,蜻蜓低空飞舞在干什么? 遗传学,不完全显性 单体 倒位 狭义遗传率 母性遗传 连锁群 载体 顺反测验 关于遗传学的讲解 遗传学应用的具体例子并加以说明.遗传学应用的具体例子并加以说明.300字左右 Dear,I am a 一条真实遗传的棕色狗和一条真实遗传的白色狗交配,所有F1的表型都是白色的.F1代个体进行自交,得到的F2代中有l18条白色狗、32条黑色狗和l0条棕色狗.谁能帮我给出这一结果的遗传学解释?这 I'm not sure what to get mom for her birthday.Oh,I've no idea __ A.too B.neither C.either D.also请具体说明I'm not sure what to get mom for her birthday.Oh,I've no idea __A.too B.neither C.either D.also 初一半命题作文 《老师.》 400字左右 蜻蜓成群在低空飞舞什么意思 how do you like the football match?-------Cool!The Chinese football team has never playedA.betterB.best C.worseD.worst我要理由~~~ 5.她捡起了地上的钱包,把它交给了老师 she__ __the wollet on the groun and gave it to the teacher1.她太老了,不能去旅游She is too lod __ __ __a__2.抄袭别人的家庭作业是不对的It's not right for you to__ __ __.3.令我 “We went to the store together,” Helen’s mom,Kate remembers,“but she gave up. When it was her own money,she felt they were too expensive,after all.”That story well explains why kids should have some money of their own – not for lunch She asked me to give up,it is not possible,unless she gave up on me to choose you!是啥子意思请问是啥子意思呢?可以帮我翻译哈不?我的饿英语不好...呵呵 The reason ___she gave up was not true.a.for that b.for which c.which d.whyThe reason ___she gave up teaching was her illnessa.that b.for which c.which d.for that“the reason ”这些题做法有什么规律或技巧 花非花雾非雾是什么意思? I am the fastest in the race.I'm the w 根据首字母填空...W后面填神马