
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 07:01:15
achieve动词变化三单.现在、过去分词.马上要 谁能帮帮忙,告诉我一下初中的重点短语比如too..to之类的像so that ,so does之类的最好标上中文意思,就是初中的重点短语, 写一篇关于我的偶像吴俊余的演讲稿要能吸引听者的注意力 与too to相同的词组 和too.to.相类似的短语谁知到啊?越多越好哦!记得把汉语意思写到哈!我是说结构相似,并不是说造句或者意思. was a mistake too great to hide too great to 是短语吗 my brother can walk on two hands and dance too的一般疑问句和否定句(重点是too啦) My heart is telling that how much I want 1.This is a coat.否定句:疑问句:回答:2.I am a student.否定句:疑问句:回答:3.You are a star.否定句:疑问句:回答:4.These are appless.否定句:疑问句:回答: There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning:my alarm clock and you. this coat is ___________(对我来说长了点) Mary is writing ( a letter to her pen pal) 对括号内提问. Mary (is writing)aletter to her pen pal(对括号内提问)Mary (is writing)a letter to her pen pal(对括号内提问) (mary) is writing aletter to her pen pal对括号内提问 Tom can join the Art Club对Art提问 情况用英语怎么说 Engine is to a machine that heart is to a person.这句话哪里错了 Check that the person can breathe.可否改为: Check whether the person can breathe or not . do you like them 的同义句________ _________ ________?三个词 At last he told his mistake to his mother____ he thought he was _____ on 从方框中选择适当的介词填空,in,on,for,of,to,at,with 1.I like sandwihes() lettuce and turkey.2.Don't talk to your children() dinner.3.Don't forget to add some salt ()the food.4.Chinese people don't like to eat fruit()breakfast. in sist on doing是什么意思 请考过BEC的哥哥姐姐给我个建议本人英语底子差,准备考BEC初.- -问我为什么不去考中级.因为我怕过不了.不过我相信我每天坚持看,总有一天会很厉害的.可是我问题是,我买了初级的新编剑桥商 我想考BEC,请问哪位考过的人能给我提些建议及注意事项.如何准备?如何报名?何时报名? “左右逢源”这个词是什么意思 形容左右逢源的词形容一个人左右逢源 会跟人打交到车词的词 有什么 左右逢源、照样子填字组词语例:(号)召(开)()典() ()盛() ()聚() ()歉() 左右逢源(照样字组词) 例:(号)召(开)()典() ()盛() ()柔()()聚() ()歉() ()乱()要开学了,在两天内一定要好啊!为了公平,等到开学,答对了,我就选谁 英语动词短语做主语是要用ing为什么有时候不用?就是在任务型阅读的时候 tired as we 49初中英语这里不是动词短语做主语 那是什么?