
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:19:05
一道高一英语单选题?为什么?____ of such a long movie,the litte boy turned to his favourite music.A.Having tired B.Tiring C.To tire D.Tired 问一道高一英语单选题,Dick made a phone call to his wife,------- was certain about where the carkey wasA.which B.what C.it D.who 【高一英语】一道单选题Her dress has become loose.She appears _________ weight.A.to loseB.being lostC.losingD.to have lost-------------------------------------------- 求详解1.They will remember the days ____ they worked together on the farm.A.which B.when C.on which D.that2.Britain is one of the countries _____ people drive on the left.A.that B.what C.which D.where3.I have won a holiday for six days to Shanghai DDACAD,求详解 高一英语请详解There are actually many ways____ we can help the disabled.A./ B.in that C.which D.of which答案是A,但为什么?后半句不是定语从句吗?请分析一下句子的结构 五年级下册第2单元的习作写发言稿,各位大佬大姐帮我写写啊.. 《最后一头战象》用诗句、名言警句来赞颂嘎羧, 面试自我介绍怎么说啊自我介绍非要说我叫什么,在哪毕业的吗 这句话不说可以吗,我最怕说这句话了. 怎么才能让我女儿数学成绩好 如何做一份高中英语语法结构图,可以用树状图或分级图,求模版,发邮箱zhengzijunlcb@126.com,急用! 最后一头战象中嘎羧()的高尚情怀是美的,你读的文章()中的()感情也是最美的 求龙图案卷集1至92,yangruiyui@sina.cn,谢谢啦! 你想怎样的用语言来赞颂嘎羧 读了这篇课文之后,你想用怎样的语言来赞美嘎羧这位可歌可泣的英雄?请写下你对嘎羧最诚挚的赞颂快20点前500字以上有的先说一下还有一小时的时间哦好的话追加30分的悬赏非诚勿扰不会的 帮忙讲解两道高一英语单选题 谢谢As a result of destroying the forests , a large _____ of desert _____ covered the land.A.number;has B.quantity;has C.number;have D.quantity;have请问这道题为什么选BDon't leave matches or 1、America is an _____ country.You can hear _____ everywhere.A.English-spoken,English speakingB.English-speaking,English spokenC.Speaking English,English spokenD.Spoken-English,English speaking2、Class 2 and Class 10 have many good students,_______ 什么是环境动荡?3Q市场环境总是呈现出动荡和不稳定性 a.解释此段文字中的术语“环境动荡” b.找出你所挑选行业的四条合理的,潜在的动荡因素 c.使用过去的趋势来预测将来的行为会有哪些 1、America is an _____ country.You can hear _____ everywhere.A.English-spoken,English speakingB.English-speaking,English spokenC.Speaking English,English spokenD.Spoken-English,English speaking2、Class 2 and Class 10 have many good students,_______ 有没有in another word这个词组? 动名词短语是不是构成了并列句式 高中英语语法I began to study English three years ago.How long did you study English last year?两句话中为什么动词都是用原形study而不是studied? 只要你认真去学一定能追得上,考大学也没有问题~ 容易和动名词作主语混起来的那个句型叫啥来着的? A good beginning makes a good ending.为什么是beginning和ending而不是begin和end? A good beginning makes a good ending A good begining makes a good ending 数学你好像很懂啊.能加你q吗关于初中的数学哦 请问关于a good begining makes a good endinga good begining makes a good ending 请问这句话中把ending换成end可以吗?end本身有名词词性. 人类的演化过程 人类的演变全过程是什么 A good beginning makes a good ending