
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 22:22:31
have引导的一般疑问句怎么做肯定和否定回答 比如说 Have you any honey? 怎样能让这几句话变得通顺....完成对中水水箱清洗工作,对水箱螺丝除锈防腐3000余条.更换楼顶中水箱漂子阀1套,解决17层中水立管卡箍漏水问题.完成维修中水补水电动阀,加注润滑油,油漆机 Are you have any stamps 帮我想几句话,要通顺锄禾日当午,C4埋下土 过来弄什么好 还有一句 人不贱,有缺陷 再帮我想几句 想到(3-4句的追分) 把下列顺序错乱的几句话整理成一个通顺的段落.()第二天交上去的作业,就写得很端正了.()直到现在陈景润给老师写信,自己还像当年那样工整.()有一年,陈景润听说他的老师方教授到 咳嗽的厉害用英语怎么说 命题作文《美德是馨香的花儿》急求! 我咳嗽.用英语怎么说. 馨香花品行怎么样 馨香可以做形容词吗,这花很馨香 咳嗽好点了吗?用英语怎么说 不知道这是什么花,闻起来有一股幽香 has paul got any french books?做肯定回答 have you got any sisters?做否定回答 感谢l have got some aunts. l have got some uncles.灰常感谢 我想知道要一篇英语作文.是LinDa生病了.你给他提点建议. did you have any difficulty finding our company谁告诉我,为什么用finding ? 一Did you have difficulty finding that book?一Not really.The librarian had given us good directions and we________ find it. A.had to B.have to C.might D.were able to ----did you have difficulty finding John`s house?---not really.John had given us good directions and we___find it.A)would B)could C)had to D)were able to 我想取一个英文名,和苗的音比较像的, 翻译: they practice special shouts, dances and athletic shows. 翻译Please state your personal goals as they relate to piano,music and performance (Now I'm Requires not only efforts to ,Need is to pay more)这句话是什么意思 有积分 Pay a …to 中间可以添什么词? 用LM386做音频功放,接8R0.5W的扬声器为什么声音小工作电源是48V串接3K的电阻与12V稳压二极管,发现工作后扬声器声音很小,本人是初学者, 语音经过LM386放大后,由0.5W,8欧的喇叭输出,但是总是有电流沙沙的声音,LM386是参照起典型应用电路设计如何消除这个电流声,获得比较干净的声音. I do everyday work every day If you tired why you work i give youIf you tired why you work i give you money这英文什么意思 吸顶喇叭声音的传输距离 我想问一下一个5W的吸顶喇叭声音最远能传多远 为什么人类是猴子变的呢? 亵这个字读什么 "亵"这字咋读 lead efforts to翻译Rural Women Knowing All是什么杂志 猴子喜欢人类吗求大神帮助