
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:42:16
这张图上的第42题(3)小题的最后一个空,请读者写出具体的计算过程和说明答案是1/200,前两个空的答案是1/3,7/24,但是我并不知道是怎么得出来的, 氧化铁和硝酸银怎么反应 配平 找出下列句子中错误的地方,并改正:Alice is best jumper in her school.Monkey King is the most funny character.Sleeping Beauty is one of the most famous story.Snow White lived with the seven little men happy.You can take one,two and threeb 找出下列句子错误的地方,并改正.先找出哪里有错,再改正sandy like to ride a bikethey going to the fun fairbobo's birthday is on july fourteenwe like eat cotton candy helen likes hamburgers very much( 改为感叹句( )( )helen likes hambergers!are they from cuba?i'm not sure.合并为一句i'm not sure( )they ( )from cuba. 下面句子中错误的地方是哪里并改正Polly spent much time to watch the video plays.Shirley decided to win No.1 prize in the speech competition.I'm sorry I can't find your dog.Maybe it's not liveDid you see him played the trumpet when you 请找出下列句子出错的地方并改正!1.what’s the matter of him2.I hope you to feel well soon改好的句子写到下方就行, 百慕大三角是怎么形成的? Mother was very patient with the___ her husband seldom was.A.whom B.which C.that 找出句子错的地方改正what,s you family name?is this your pen?_yes,it,s.what,s his name?_he name is li lei.it is a English book. tri-Angel是什么意思?东方神起一首歌的名字、本身的意思,是这样的,我是在问东方神起这首歌的名字的寓意、为什么要取这个名字,还有就是这个词褪去所有渲染后剩下的本身, 3x²-12x=-12怎么用因式分解发解这道题 面朝大海春暖花开 下句怎么对 抖擞的近义词是什么? 抖擞 近义词 the woman has many dresses, so it;s difficult for her to choose which _____(wear) 写近义词: 约摸( ) 抖擞( ) 憧憬( )平明( )恐怖( )写近义词: 约摸( ) 抖擞( ) 憧憬( )平明( )恐怖( ) 惊羡( )忧郁( )消极( ) 门道( )其时( )瑰丽( )陈设( )优雅( )晦暗( ) It's the same kind of animal by which I was attacked by in Africa.这是改错题.我想问:答案是把which的by去掉,我想知道,能不能把attacked后面的by去掉呢? which animal is the bigges,a doy,a rat or a hippo?______ 点P在直线y=-2x+4上,且到y轴的距离与到x轴的距离的比是1:3,点P的坐标是________. 曲线y=x的三次方+1在点(1,2)处的切方程 是关键是怎么求导数啊 怎么求y‘ 求导数公式是什么 ~~ 急啊 抖擞的近义词 Dylan是我的英文名字 我想用这名字的五个字母个组成一个单词 成为一个有意义的句子例如D 可以组合成dying或者其他的以D开头的单词 剩下的四个也是同样 之后组成一句有意义的话 风骚、抖擞,搜索、居然的近义词是什么? WILL YOU PLEASE BE QUIET PLEASE怎么样 已知直角三角形的两直角边的和为2,求斜边长的最小值,以及当斜边长达到最小值时的两条直角边的长 语重心( )( )暖花开 四字词语:X瞪X呆 “X前X后”的四字词语有哪些? 0基础学三角函数我现在想自学三角函数 家里没钱读高中 差不多是零基础不过初中有读 请问有什么中文的三角函数书介绍一下最好提供一下例题的书 谢谢介绍几本可以不? 我上数学课没怎么听,求三角函数入门. 上海现行出租车计价方法急问上海当前出租车计价方法白天:起步价:?元,里程:3公里,超出3公里不超出10公里时?元/公里,超出10公里时?元/公里;夜间?(23:00-5:00):起步价:?元,里程:3公里