
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 05:38:14
f1(x)=x^2,f2=(x^-1),f3(x)=x^3,则f1(f2(f3(2007)))=? 好词好句要多的!我写作文要 啥分类的都行 正比例和反比例的概念是什么 正比例和反比例的意义重点,请大家帮忙! 正比例和反比例什么意思 f1(x)=sinx + cosx,f2(x)=(根号2)sinx + (根号2),函数的图像经过平移后能够重合 要怎么化简出来?(高 函数f(x)=2asin^2x-(2根号3)*a*sinx*cosx+a+b(1)定义域为R,值域是[-5,1] 求a,b(2)定义域为[0,π/2],值域是[-5,1],求a,b 二年级好词好句 反比例和正比例是什么 正比例和反比例是什么意思,怎样算. 正比例和反比例中的一定是什么意思 关于“博客”的英语作文现在博客越来越流行了,写一篇关于博客的六级作文,可以说说博客的作用、利弊、盛行的原因、对我们生活的影响、大家的态度或者自己的看法······ 描写博客优点的英语作文 非常急 英语翻译就是相对于地税的那个啊 英语翻译Taxes withheld at source by the applicable foreign payer may not settle your final tax laibility with the applicable foreign tax authorities. 财政部和国家税务总局 英语怎么翻译 将下面的词语正确搭配起来,再扩展成句子.改善 才干维护 经验发现 生活积累 权益 求英语短篇日记15篇 求15篇 短篇英语日记. 柏乡县国家税务局英语怎么翻译 英语翻译请勿直译, 初二英语人教版下册二单元16页 下方的课文 求翻译 伊犁州国家税务局 用英语怎么翻译呢? 英语翻译you can develop your site in phases if required-the important part is assessing your future needs accurately,so that you can build the site in a cost-effective and controlled manner “什么是爱,爱又是什么?”通过一句话,写一篇关于“爱”的作文 英语翻译The façade of the hotel has been wrapped in a second skin of frameless glazing, which is suspended from the face of the building like a floating sheer veil and etched with an undulating, abstract pattern, reminiscent of the folds in 英语翻译If you put it down there,where the abacus is the machine's computer would simple take charge of it and offer you lots of nice user-friendly time-travel applications complete with pull-down menus and desk accessories if you like.求翻译, 英语翻译Today,China’s richest,busiest city has regained official “it” status with the 2010 World Expo host exposure (that out-priced the Beijing Olympics),a new insta-skyline and Western headlines toasting (and kind of roasting) Shanghai as 以我的兴趣写一篇作文急啊300分要写羽毛球 我的爱好求一篇作文. 写一篇作文:我的爱好,今天就要. 英语重点词汇My bedroom is ___ the second___{我的卧室在二楼}There is a computer ____{在.里} my bedroomTom is standing ____{在.之后} JimThey play basketball ____ {在.之后}schoolHe's {cleaning the car} 对画线部分提