
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 10:51:16
英语翻译想知道,麻烦帮翻译下,要正确的答案. 《路边开满了带刺的蔷薇花》评价三种人生观 中药二草的别名是什么弃漳草30克 胡韭子15克 骨碎补20克 怀夕25克 龟板10克 垂盘草15克二草10克 清风滕15克 灵仙25克 白术25克 子叩15克这里面的二草是什么,这药方是治什么病的. 驳节草在中医药的上的别名是什么? 裳的读音怎么分辩 天天草,一种中药药材,还有什么别名么?中医给我开的方子里头有一种药材叫“天天草”,据说是在北方才有的,不知道还有没有其他的别名? ”裳”的读音与意思请举例说明 开封现在市区面积1850平方公里,市区人口170万,应该是河南第二大城市了吧. 柳州的市区面积与市区人口是多少 these kids are carrying in 在句子里是什么成分?定语?i am sorry to learn about the kind of emotional baggage these kids are carrying in what are purely unemotional relationships. i draw pictuere on the wall .变否定句 We can draw on the wall改为否定句 谁有八下思品作业本的答案 跪求浙教版八下社会、思品作业本答案 我们的生活离不开法律,法律是我们生过的“卫士”.当你或你的亲朋好友遇到下列情形时,该怎么办?并试着说说你的法律依据.(1)爷爷在书店买到缺、漏页的书:___________________________________ 这是什么植物,白花,果实是带刺小圆球,我查了,不是白色曼陀罗 I______(row)a boat yesterday 2.micke is____(draw)a picture on the wall i will___(play)baskballwish my friends 初二思品作业本第三单元第五课 谁有初二作业本答案? 改写The little was punished for being late by his teacher 春天开的满树白花的树,很香.什么名字? 什么白花春天开?北仑一带,五片白色花瓣,有长的花柄.一柄多花.花药是淡黄色的,花丝白色成螺旋状,不清楚是否雌雄公体.6月前开的 5.The student the teacher referred to____ Mr.Smith’s son.A.were B.be C.was D.being为什么选B The professor was quite used to students' being late for the lecture.中students' 后面为什么还要加个being, 一种成熟后可以挖空串成链子的豆子大小的植物果实,黑色最为亮丽一种植物上长的的种子.开始的时候.有青色的.后来会慢慢变黑.最后老了是白的.那种种子.小时候经常会用来穿成一串当手链 It was not until he arrived at the station( )he realized he had foegotten his ticketA before B that C when D after 65. It was not until be arrived at the station ________ he realised he had forgotten his ticket.65. It was not until be arrived at the station________ he realised he had forgotten his ticket.A) thatB) beforeC) whenD) after(C) the aunt who came to see us last week is my father's sister请问这句话的主要谓语是:‘’is‘’ 急需高中所有关于get的短语,谢谢啦~ 词组中含有get的有哪些? #[11] Next month a _____ subway to the Olympic Park will start to operate.A.formal B.normal C.regularD.stable请帮忙翻译包括选项,并且分析. as is know to everybody,the moon travels round the earth once every month有语法错误吗,