
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 16:18:27
因为这几道题大概是同一个知识点 能总结一下更好~1.Combine each pair of sentences into one sentence,___ the second as an attributive clause.A.using B.use C.to use D.used2.He was busy writing the story all the morning ,only ___ off 冰锐和锐奥哪个酒精少 文言词的意义和用法分别指什么 归纳下列文言文词语的意义和用法1.以为 以为且噬己也() 以为神()2.之 黔之驴() 放之山下() 虎见之() 蔽林间窥之() 稍出近之()3.然 庞然大物也() 慭慭然() 火箭是将什么和助燃的什么放在内部点燃开始升空的? 用反义词填空组成成语 用反义词填空,组成成语.一( )百( ),一( )二( ) 用反义词填空,组成成语你()我() 似()而() 截()补() 借()讽() 街()巷() 头()脚() 掂()怕() 用反义词填空,组成成语.一( )百( ) 一( )一( )   一( )一( ) 一( )一( )大( )大( ) 大( )无( ) 天( )海( ) 反义词填空组成成语 英文酒名想找像 "Vermouth"" Gin "这一类的酒名 中文翻译过来要好听点和英文读起来顺口一点就OK了.不甚感激~呃...拿来做英文名名~ 除去下列物质中的杂质.HNO3(HCl)( )CaCl2(HCl)( )NaOH(Ca(OH)2)( ) 在CaCl2中Ca(OH)2是微溶物而HCl是具有一定挥发性的酸.为什么在水溶液中CaCl2不会发生双水解反应?在CaCl2中Ca(OH)2是微溶物而HCl是具有一定挥发性的酸.那为什么作为一种易溶物在水溶液中CaCl2不会 是不是Hcl(稀)与Ca(clo)2生成HCLO 和CACL HCL(浓)与CA(CLO)2生成CL2 CACL2 和H2O 上海市浦东新区模拟卷一道题实验室用草酸分解( H2C2O4--△-CO↑+CO2↑+H2O)制取CO时常混有CO2,为了除去CO2并收集一瓶CO(水蒸气忽略不计),下列装置中最合理的是……( )请问为什么选D,而 NaCl和HNO3的混合溶液是否可看作NaNO3与HCl的混合溶液? 1.SO2少+ Ca(clo)2+H2O===CaSO4↓+HCl+HClo2SO2多+ Ca(clo)2+2H2O===CaSO4↓+2HCl+H2SO42.Ca(ClO)2+3SO2+2H2O==CaSO4↓+Cl2↑+2H2SO41,2哪个对?倒底是什么啊,说说的对啊 一道初三的化学选择题实验室中的试剂常因与空气中的一些成分作用而发生变化.下列对试剂在空气中发生变化的分析不正确的是( )A.铁粉生锈与空气中的水蒸气和氧气有关B.氢氧化钠潮解 氯化钠,硫酸铜,硝酸钠能在PH=1.5的溶液中共存么?为什么? CL2+Ca(OH)2=CaCL2+Ca(CLO)2+H2O 配平! 在天平上的左右烧杯中分别盛有等质量,等质量分数的稀HCL和稀H2SO4,调至平衡后,向左右杯中分别加入等质量的Fe和Mg完全反映,两杯中均有金属剩余,则天平摆动的情况是?选项不打了 SO2少量:Ca(ClO)2 + SO2 + H2O = CaSO4 + HCl + HClO 3Ca(ClO)2+2SO2+2H2O=2CaSO4↓+CaCl2+4HClO 哪个对 小明在测定铁在O2中燃烧的产物时,发现5.6g铁在足量O2这燃烧得到7.8g固体.不考虑其它误差因素,则该固体产物的组成可能是( )A.Fe3O4和Fe B.Fe3O4和FeO C.Fe3O4和Fe2O3 D.Fe2O3、FeO和Fe可我完全不懂,这 Ca(OH)2加2HCl生成CaCl2加2H2O 酱油和醋有什么共同的性质 食用醋与酱油的性质要化学的 英语三道选择题存在疑惑.1 The Indians used to live in ___is now part of the USA.A where B which C what D that 为什么B不选?2 I haven't seen _______ this since I collected stamps.A as old as a stamp as B so an old stamp asC stamp as old 1.He listened to me ____ what Mr.Smith had said the day before.A.to repeat B.repeat 2.He could do little except ____.A.writing B.write3.The students will have more discussions like this in the weeks ______.A.coming B.to come 各选什么,还有就是 1.Only when the research has been carried out______whether the drug has a side effect on human body.A.we decide B.we will decide C.did we decide D.will we decide2.It was not until ge explained the reason _____we realized that we had misunderstood him 4.I'll give you my friend's home address _____I can be reached most evenings.A.whichB.whenC.whomD.where5.No decision ________about my future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed.A.will be madeB.is madeC.is being madeD.has been m 1.Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company,_______as 3M.A.knowingB.knownC.being knownD.to be known2.There are two buildings,______stands nearly a hundred feet high.A.the largerB.the larger of themC.the larger one thatD.the larg 1.A report says school maths standards in England have failed to improve in the last 30 years,__________than those in mid-1970's,when only 20% of the students could pass maths exams.A.no betterB.not betterC.no worseD.not worse2.Golf is rapidly becomi