
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 03:50:02
VB语言a和b都加1是一道判断题,a和b都加1,a=a+1andb=b+1,为什么是错 带的组词越多越好多点要不不给分 he often wore shoes when he was a childHe often wore shoes when he was a child . A clothes B cloth C cloth’s D the clothes’ 请问选哪个,顺便说下为什么 I ( ) often go fishing with my brother when I was a child.A.would B.should C ,could D.might I often_______(go) fishing when I was a child 英语改错!When I was a child,I often played a populargame calling Oba with my friends.This is funny game,and it is played with a ball. When I was a child ,I lived with my motherWhen I was a child,I lived with my mother,my father having been away to work in the town.1.问此句,为什么用having been?2.my father having been away to work in the town.该如何翻译?是什么时态? 用词概括居里夫人的科学精神 android手机root后不能还原么? 请问Android系统的手机root之后有办法解除root吗? android手机怎么查看是否已经root?不安装什么软件能直接在手机上看吗?听说root后有个什么骷髅头,是什么? 手机root后怎么恢复? 麻烦你把listening for the weather空间链接给我, to make learning English easier对吗? baby acoustic 不是要翻译的!是用英文的说成中文的!谁能给我啊! 比如LOVE(辣舞)就是这样的 谢谢了!全部的baby acoustic give me a full a---of what you saw and heard in the earthquake-hit areas What can we do ___ money for the homeless children in earthquake-hit Wenchuan?What can we do后加什么?to do?with?earthquake-hit什么意思A.raiseB.raisingC.raisedD.to raise 英译汉 句子 earthquake damage depends on what area is hit.再帮分析下句子结构 英语Mrs.Bliss kept the door and the windows shut lest the noise outside__her son's sleep.A.would interfere with B.had interfered with C.interfered withD.should interfere with 834食品科学基础与827食品科学基础有何不同?请教说明一下今年的北京林业的农产品加工专业考研的834食品科学基础与去年的827食品科学基础有什么不同啊? 英语翻译用with 蛋糕未熟你不得打开烤箱的门.翻译成英文:You_____ _____the oven's door before the cake is ready. 英文翻译并填词:Would you m___ opening the windows?It's hot here. Your English teacher _____ in office.A.maybe B.may is C.may be D.be 有人问你Wheie is the teacher,s office in your school?你该怎么回答 两个句子的Missing words1.female entrepreneurs are more concern subordinate than male entre.2.a lot of people hard to imagine that women would do something in the market like men.两个句子都有missing words,请指出来 万分感谢 maybe your English teacher is in the classroom改为同义句your English teacher --- --- in the classroom,拜托,马上要 是:Are your teacher in the office?正确还是Is your teacher in the office?正确 下面的句子应该加什么?( )eat too much candy.It's bad ( )your teeth.A.Do;to B.Don't;for C.Do;at D.Don't;from 帮忙解决道物理问题,谢谢!给下详细解释,在线等!在线等!在线等!在线等!在线等!三个相同的电阻,他们串联后的总电阻是并联总电阻的几倍?帮忙解决道数学问题,谢谢!给下详细解释,在线等!在 Eating more _____is bad for your teeth.用candy还是candies填空 物理问题,知道的请解决下哦~~!(解答者请详细说明答案)1.空中飞行的足球,它受到的力有(不计空气阻力) ( )A.不受力 B.只受重力 C.受重力和向上升的力 D.受重力和向下落的力2.一物体