
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:44:35
三角形ABC中,sinA=根号3/2,则cosA= 他怎样问老师今天的作业是什么?填空 he is a boy who enjoys nothing but playing computer games帮忙翻译下, 2.She works hard.(对hard提问) 3.He enjoys playing conputer games.( 对playing conputer games提问) 邯郸学步照样子写词语写3个有哪些? 照写词语,碧蓝碧蓝,翻箱倒柜 描写或模仿得非常逼真.(写词语)形容神情逼真,使人感到好像亲眼看到一般。(写词语) 带有“猪.猴.羊.鸡”的成语有那些 初二数学下册△ABC中,∠B=60°,∠C=45°,AB=4√3,求BC的长 正确形式填空 用所给形式的正确形式填空1.the bus will----[leave] in five minutes2.it will take him two hours -------[finish] the work3.he is always the first person---------[get] to the classroom.4.he is able to finish the homework today[改为同义句 用正确形式填空. 按正确形式填空 用正确的形式填空 四年级下册数学AB卷答案!急用! Could I use your dictionary for a moment?A:It's wellB:It dosen't matterC:By all means为什么选C,A和B为什么不能用 铣床数显表使用说明谁有铣床sino数显SDS2-2MS 数显使用说明 求GSW-204数显表说明!铣床专用 来个钻铣床的数显表使用说明,像倒角,铣圆,分度这些东西,有堂孔的最好的,百度搜索出来的怎么都是打不开,坑人啊,229146986, 求大侠帮 .设 f (x)在[0,1]上连续且在 (0,1 ) 内可导,且f (0) = f (1) = 0,f (1/2) = 1.证.设 f(x)在[0,1]上连续且在(0,1) 内可导,且f (0)= f (1)= 0,f (1/2)= 1.证明:至少有一点ξ∈(1/2,1),使得f(ξ)=ξ; 2012全国卷理数的第四题到底得多少啊?我看到有些得1 有些得根号二,我算来算去都是得根号二啊!题目是:一直正四棱柱abcd-a1b1c1d1中,ab=2,cc1=二倍根号二,e为cc1中点,则ac1与平面bed的距离为? 请 高数问题:设函数y=f(x)与y=F(x)在点x0处可导,试证曲线y=f(x)与y=F(x)在点x0处相切的充要条件是:当x趋向于x0时,f(x)-F(x)是x-x0的高阶无穷小.请给出详细证明,谢谢! my happy is ( ) to music.a listen.b listening.c listens 数显表没问题,电阻没问题,可是温度显示偏低.为什么? 二维随机变量(x,y)的概率密度为f(x,y)=e^-y,0 已知f(x)=∫(上限a-x 下限0){e^[y(2a-y)]}dy求∫(上限a 下限0)f(x)dx x-0.6x=5求未知数的解 如何学英语口语,用来交流?我要出国工作了,想知道如何学英语,进行口语表达和交流? i am sorry,but it is over my power to make a finai decision on the matter单句该错 小明看一本书,如果每天看4页可以看9天,照这样的速度,要想6天看完,每天要看多少页? 一道英语填空,急用,Mr Smith lived in a village.He had 1 farms and about twenty people worked for him.He often told them 2 hard and be honest .One day he went to a farm and worked with the workers there.Soon after that it was time 3 lunch.He pu I'm an English learner.I'm in how to do well in English.处填写以"i”开头的单词