
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 01:32:07
这个怎么划分音节?字母组合比如说er 后有元音字母比如erha era 这样怎么划分音节?字母组合划分音节是不能分开吗? 中译英,是否正确大多数接受过高等教育的学生盲目就业.他们选择的工作没有应用到他们在大学所获得得知识和技能.Most of students with to accepted higher education blinding to job-hunting.They had chosen some j 如何划分音节 音节划分方法~~有说两个元音之间有两个辅音时,应该左右个分一个.例如:advice/ed-vais/ 但是across却是分为/e-krOs/把两个辅音全分到右面. 还有actor的分法是什么样的?请不要去复制 划分音节fat go slice we dig tone quick绝对开音节:相对开音节:重度闭音节: someone is waiting for you at the school gate who is ( ) A\it B\she C\he D\theywhat did she say ______her letter_____her friend in the USA?A\on;to B\in;for C\in;to D\in ;withi was bron_______the night ______May ,1998A\at;of B\i wait _____(at/for) the school gate 全部倒装句跟部分倒装句的区别? 倒装句讲解 全倒装句与半倒装句区别 “人生没有如果,只有结果”中译英希望要高水准的句子,很二的句子不要.特别好的补加十分 “音节是从语音的社会功能角度划分出来的最小语言单位”这句话是否正确? 汉语音节的各种分类 清楚点 want,good,they,three,for,musici-ans,rock,their,band,do 连词成句 want good they there for musicians rock their band do(连词成句) I usually watch TV at 8:00 in the eveing.(对 watch TV 提问)急用呐 . 寂寞孤独怎么办 有什么对人生有益的书吗 求几本人生有益的书要求积极向上,但不中庸.例如论语的话 就说的人有点无上进心,知足常乐了.道德性强的也可以.为人处世.社交方面的也可以.但不要那种瞎扯淡的.要实打实的.商业方面的也 音节划分有两个辅音音素时,一个辅音音素归前一音节,一个归后一音节,如:win'ter 冬天 fa'ther 父亲,tea'cher 教师.为身fa'ther 没这样分? I hardly understand ____he has told me .为什么是what,Dont talk about such things ____you are notI hardly understand ____he has told me .为什么是what,Dont talk about such things ____you are not sure,A.which B,that.C.as D.thoseIs this the facto 定语从句 1. Don’t talk about such things of __________ you are not sure. A. which B. what C. as定语从句1. Don’t talk about such things of __________ you are not sure. A. which B. what C. as D. those 2. Is this the factory __________ you v .We want two good musicians for our rock band 改为一般疑问句( )( )want two good musicians for you rock band? two,rock,want,good,we,musicians,for,our,band.(连词成句) We want three good musicians for our rock b______ 根据句意及首字母填入一个恰当的词 They ( ) (want) two good musicians for the rock band.用括号里的单词的适当形式填入前一个括号. My home wasn't far from the school,so I usually ------(walk)to school.我认为应该填walk,因为前面有usually但答案给的是walked,这是为什么呢?是因为前面有wasn't吗? 微笑、真的可以掩饰寂寞吗?我注定是伤感的一类人、 我的痛苦、并不比谁少. 我懂 我每天早上起来的第一件事就是想着如何伪装自己、 怎样才能不被别人轻易看穿我的软弱、 我逞强,即 用微笑、来掩饰&孤单 请问微笑能掩饰寂寞吗? HERE IS A LETTER ___YOU(TO 还是FOR)如果是考试里出现,那应该选择什么呢 音节怎么划分?请问这个单词【oxyen】怎么划分音节?并解释为什么要这么划分?