
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:53:34
我需要非常好听的英文歌 ,只要英文的,特别是蕾哈娜的,痞子阿姆,艾薇儿,等等著名的流行歌手,嘻哈,爵士,朋克,蓝调,都可以,别的地方抄的不算, 有什么英文歌好听? 想练习一下英语听力.哪位同学可以推荐我听些什么英文歌啊 一道英语题 ,大家帮忙想一想how much does Tom weigh?__ Tom’s __? ----Robert is a wise man.----Oh,yes.How often I have regretted_____his advice! take B.taking C.not to take D.not taking为什么不选C?regret doing不是后悔已经做过某事了吗?题目的意思不是说还没做吗? A new study proves a [ ]walk every day is enough to keep people away from becoming fat.A .thirty-minute B.thirty-minute's C.thirty-minutes 哪个选项,为什么? 完成句子the trees are growing well.the teachers plangted them two years ago.the trees [ ].the teachers plangted them two years ago[ ][ ]well. 一道英语题,帮我看看对不对.Plain,simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.appropriate在这里这个形式对吗? l am sweeping away the broken cup改为现在完成时:l have been sweeping away the broken cupl'm right?why? 一定要说明理由 1.I'm looking forward to ______ soon.A.hear from you.B.hjeaeing from your lettleC.hearing from yourD.hear from your letter2.This dreass _____ her _____ even prettier.A.makes;look B.make; looks C.makes;looks D.make; look3.It's ve 1.It is quiet ------that they live in a ------builing in the street.A.sure:any B.sure:some C.certain:some D.certain:certain2.The------(力)of gravity can keep us from floating in the air.3.The family was in a difficult ------(处境) when his fat 英语翻译1、李明喜欢湖南卫视的《快乐大本营》,而不是《天天向上》.2、房间里的每个人似乎都有个秘密.3、他们正在谈论某个人的奇怪行为.4、李明今天情绪不好,举止不正常.5、我们当中 英语题目(说明理由)第一题I have many important things to do. I____ a little late.A、maybe B、perhaps C、may be 第二题He often plays sports,_____,running,swimming and ping-pong.A、for an example B、for examples C、for example 1道英语题目说明理由1.He joined the army when he was fifteen.(保持原句意思)He joined the army _______ _______ _______ _______ fifteen.2.I'm 20 years old.Peter is 22 years old.(两句并一句)I'm _______ _______ than Peter.3.Tom and Mar 说明理由1.一Do you think Jack will lend us a hand?一He is the last one to help others.He ______ lend his hand,though.A.can B.must C.might D.should 1.The once appeared a large number of great people _______ ,the stories of whom are still being told everywhere history of Chinese the history of Chinese history of China the history of China 说明理由 1.The length of the reading passage increased progressively,from about 300 words in the early units to nearly ______ in later ones.A.three times the length of B.three times of the length C.the length three times of D.three times this len 1.Wushu is becoming more and more popular________ foreigners.A.among B.for (1)Alice said to me that she __ in her hometown for two more days为什么选would stay (2)Thousands of people took part in the work when to dam__ 为什么选was being built 英语题(必须写理由)1.( )you like the performance.A.what dob.hou doc.what' are 英语题两道,说明理由She was regarded as____and_____A.cleverly;bravelyB.clever;braveC.cleverly,braved.clever,bravely_____gets such a pair of shose for my son.A.where do you think i you think where i canC where dou you think can y 1.The river smells terrible.People must ______ dirty things into it .A be stopped from throwing B stop from throwing 2.He doesn't like to talk and won't speak unless _____ politely A speak to B spoken C speak D spoken to 英语6题. 英语一道题目,求答案和解题理由The great Greek thinker has been__________for over two thousand years(die) Jack changed his mind at the last minute,------ ,of course,made me very angry.A .what B.that C.which D.who还有 麻烦说明一下理由 ___ had enough time,they would have visited the Great Wall.A) Had they B) Have they C) Would they have D) If they如何知道是虚拟语气的? Taiwanese pop star Jolin Tsai is always changing her style.No one knows____________she’ll wear at her Beijing B.what C.when D.if 英语翻译.这件事让我想起了我的妈妈. 英语翻译母亲节起源于美国.1906年5月9日,美国费城的安娜·贾薇丝的母亲不幸去世,她悲痛万分.在次年母亲逝世周年忌日,安娜小姐组织了追思母亲的活动,并鼓励他人也以类似方式来表达对各 他足够大,可以自己穿衣服了.用英语怎么说 这个男孩会自己穿衣服吗?用英语怎么说 初中英语所有单词和用法所有 单词的用法