
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 20:42:43
我是一个16岁的女孩.我想学酒店管理,但我英语很差,会有影响吗?还有我读出来后好找工作吗? 酒店管理适合女生学吗对英语要求高不高 女生学酒店管理好吗,英语不是多好 do you go home by bus last week "It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest"的意思这是一句谚语, It is less of a problem to be poor than tobedishonest 译Our price policies are adjustable. Robot scientists are not just only trying to make robots look like people,aren`t they? Scientists are trying to ____A.find dinosaurs B.learn more about dinosaurs 求一般将来时的句子五个帮帮忙, Some scientists are trying to find out the 原因 for the haze weather原因cause 加不加s 不懂别回 Robot scientists are not juet trying _____(make) robots look like people it is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest how do you go to work?my home is( ).So i ride my bike.括号里到底该填far还是near ( )do you go to school by bike? 英语句子改写 谢谢(改变句型,词汇,或语法,意思不变)both empirical knowledge and academic research suggest that making education available throughout a country and eliminating illiteracy can pave the way for economic devvelopment. people can find around 500kinds of p and 300 species of animals填空.people can find around 500kinds of p and 300 species of animals填空. 试在下列条件下比较电路交换和分组交换.要传送的报文共x(bit),从源站到目的站共经过k段链路,每段链路的传播时延为d(s),数据率为C(bit/s).在电路交换时电路的建立时间为s(s).在分 Do you go home bybus last week?哪错 do you go hone by bus last week? 谁会地理 能不能帮我解答问题 we can't live if there's no air or water改为简单句 we can't live____ _____ _____ _____ 越多越好,越难越好.最好带答案,没答案也无所谓.重要的就是难难难,最最最重要的就是要是地理问题.(好的话赏分) 070502的人文地理学能不能调到045110的学科教育地理呢 你是如何查找到生物地理会考成绩的,可否帮我找一下 某蛋白质由65个氨基酸组成,控制合成该蛋白质的基因的碱基数目至少有多少?为什么是6不是3? 某蛋白质由65个氨基酸组成,控制合成该蛋白质的基因的碱基数目至少有 ( )为什么×6呢 Animals are living textbooks for young people to know the animal world.此句中动词不定式做什么成分 求这首歌的背景英文歌曲 a green apple这个英文的意思是? So it's green apple中间单词填什么句子什么意思 green