
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 04:53:47
it's sometimes best to ___a rude person who seems to be impolitea ignore b neglect c notice d cancel 等比数列{an}中首项为a1,公比为q,求使{an}必为递减数列的条件 等比数列{An}中,首项为A1,公比为q,则下列条件中,使{An}一定为递减数列的条件是A.q的绝对值0,q0,0 数列{an}是单调递减的等比数列.若a1 a2 a3=7,a1*a2*a3=8,则an= take an interest in the world around you 为什么要用around, 求一份英语口语考试短文,Are you afraid of making mistakes in English learning?三分钟左右 连词成句 and,Amy,he,ftiends,good,are when you learn english,do not be afraid ( )mistakes.a.on b.of c.about d.from 作文:你和小伙伴之间最感人的一件事 小升初英语考试题 将My teacher told us:"the erath travels around the world.”改为下列句式将My teacher told us:"the erath travels around the world.”(改为间接引语)My teacher told us,______the erath _______ around the world. ,he does get angry with her sometimesA very much as he likes her B much though he likes her 为什么不选A啊,都对啊,我感觉 Do you get angry when(下文翻译、、、、) Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly while you are trying to work? Or when your best friend does not wait for you after school?  If you do, you need to take control of(控制)your ___,she does get angry with him sometimes.A.Very much as the mother loves her sonB.Much though the mother loves her son为什么选A不选B though引导让步不是可倒装也可不倒装吗 29._______,he does get angry with her sometimes .A.Although much he likes her B.Much although he likes her C.As he likes her much D.Much as he likes her Sometimes,people can stay angry for years about a small problem.这里的stay angry 存字开头 成语接龙还有是字开头的 to be the man,u gotta beat the man谁经常说这句话? you are the man you want to be 是什么意思? 要使函数y=1+2的x次方+4的x次方*a在X属于(-无穷,1】上y>0恒成立,求a的取值范围 某电厂规定,用户用电,如果一个月用了A度或A度以下,每度电费为0.2元,如果一个月的电费超过了A度,则超过部分每度电的电费按A/625元计算,其余部分仍按每度电0.2计算,某户居民四、五月用电交 水果店按等级出售苹果,最好为一等,每千克售价3.6元,其次为二等,每千克售价为2.8元,最次为三等,每千克售价2.1元,现在三种苹果的数量之比为2:3:1,若将它们混合在一起,每千克定价多少元合 孔子家语 致思第八 译文 线字开头的成语接龙 (2011•贵阳)研究发现:人在饮酒后驾车的应急反应时间是未饮酒时的2~3倍.反应时间是指司机从看到意外情况到踩刹车需要的这段时间;在反应时间内汽车要保持原速前进一段距离, 货车过江交轮渡费三十元,客车交二十元,轿车交十元.一天,过江的轿车和客车数量比是2:9,客车和货车比是3:7,共收轮渡费12450元.这天过江的轿车、客车和货车各有多少辆? ——How are you feeling?——I feel much better.Thank you.A.right B.Wrong英语不是很好 连基本的也没弄懂______come to dinner tonight?A.Would you like to B.How about C.What about 疑问词填空:---------are you today?Much better,thank you. How are you ___(fell) ——Much better 今晚 How are you( )now?Much better.A feeling B making C seeing D eating选哪个 this evening与tonight的区别完了我觉得好,就加十分,不好就免了 有关雨雪的古诗 In many western countries if you are the guest ,you______(invite) to serve yourself.填 will be invited 还是are invited