
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 19:38:27
美国有好莱坞(Hollywood),印度有宝莱坞(Bollywood),这几年中国的华莱坞也很响,华莱坞英文怎么写啊 Early to bed and early to rise ___a man healthy.是填make还是makes?动词不定式用and连接到底是用单数还是复数? war world我新玩魔兽世界的,大家帮我看一下我的选择错了没有.1.选去了5区2.选做了部落3.选当了FS第一个我听说5区卡...还有听说FS很垃圾,究竟FS垃圾在哪? World War Ⅱ 可以写成World war 求world war z 中文小说 for the very first very first time中的very是什么意思 急用,救命阿,请高手翻译下,When the words i love you were said by you for the first time Z,i really love you!this is my first time to love a boy!i'm very sure that i love you 什么意实 Early to bed,early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise He is himself killed in the fight.翻译. Before the First World War,there was still a lot of faith in rationality.如何翻译这个句子? changes in ten years\' time 怎样反译 英语翻译完型错一半,作文写的一半, in ten years' time 和 in ten years 有什么区别,请给例句 2011年12月英语四级,一,听力 8个,单词2个,句子一句.二,阅读:快速8个 仔细7个 多选 2个 完形7个 三 ,翻译2句 四,作文中等 大家帮忙预测下2012年6月四级成绩!听力错6,7个选择填单词错一半句子错一半,阅读错一半,问答题错三个翻译错两个,完型错一半,作文写的一半, 大学英语四级听力对了选择题10~11题,单词1个,句子是半句,这样可以得多少按今年的听力水平有机会得110分以上吗? When did you go last time When did you go to the park last time? when did you go to the supermarket last time? 英语翻译帮翻译 下 When was the last time you splashed out on something?口语,求翻译. 皇后的英语怎么说?RT 皇后的英文 at,and,new,a,let ,go,us,look,my,have,curtains连词成句. 皇后,的英文是什么! 单词排序:new,my,at,curtain,look,and,come怎么排啊 and my new come ballmwith play 连词成句 皇后英文怎么写 皇后的英文怎么写 皇后用英语怎么说