
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 19:42:32
what will I Do什么意思 孔子故乡在哪 There is____ dog food .选择A.no B.not C.none D.nothing there is ______food in the fridge.A.not B.no C.none D.nothing 选哪个?为什么? 单词monkey和donkey什么关系词源有关系么?还是纯属巧合?真希望是前者…… there is nothing 和there is none区别如题急,非常急 There is no food ___no fruit at home A.and B.or C.also 56. What will you do ________ vacation? A. on B. in C. to D. of57. He _______ English very well. A. tells B. talks C. speaks D. says 58. Tony is always late ________ school because he gets up ________ 7:00. A. at, for B. at, at C. for, at D. for, for what should I do for my summer vacation What will you do for the coming holiday?What will you do what will you do in your summue vacation 英语翻译8.酒店 9.保持沉默 10.纽扣 11.无牙的 12.需要 时间,选择,购买 13.好主意 14.小巷子二.介词填空This is a report__the teapot.Pour the hot water__the teapot.mountains__the west__China.Next,it runs__the mountai what will college students do on vacation?how about you? 流行词over是什么意思?这个over经常出现在偶像剧中,比如《命中注定我爱你》中陈欣怡介绍“那个很over的人就是我二姐”, 近来看看 看看哪个词可以代替OVERGrandpa is over 70 years old.1.less than 2.more than 3.nearly 4.about 还是很难区分above over这两个词( ) 1We can see a river running to the east____ the hill,.; ,A.under B.below C.over D.on ( ) 2 Do you see the kite(风筝) ___ the building.A.over B.across C.on D.above 这2题如何选择,为什么?1,2题的 2009年九年级人教版英语地1、2单元单词是什么 我想暑假开个英语补习班,该怎么写广告?怎么写广告招生呢?谁有好的建议说说啊!我是说能不能给我写一个现成的广告?我要招生的是小学生,而且是农村的学生,就针对我这样的条件为我设计一 请大家帮忙写一些办小学英语补习班的广告语. 我想在暑期办个英语补习班 ,人数不超过20 ,帮我想一则广告.急 小学升初中暑假英语补习班招生广告怎么写? 在暑假开办补习班用英语怎么说? 英语翻译 英语小语法!不难哦进来看看.1.The teacher as well as the students __to plant more trees.A.want B.are going C.wants D.would 2.He's always warned not to drive his car too fast,____________?A.is he B.isn't he C.has he D.hasn't he 小学语文课前预习 初二下英语1到4单元语法重点总结!我能够给出60分!已经没分了. 课前怎样预习效果好? 初二下册英语1~3单元语法 game over and you what you will do today翻译速度 放东西的英语是怎么拼 皇帝的新装预习 皇帝的新装,预习