
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:59:13
一个串联电路中有一个滑动变阻器,还有灯泡,电压表接在灯泡两端,闭合电路时发现灯不亮,电流表少有偏转,电压表几乎不动,是什么原因 滑动变阻器与一个灯泡串联电路中,电压表测滑动变阻器的电压,当滑动变阻器阻值变大时,他的电压怎样,为什么 标有"2V 4Ω"字样的小灯泡和标有"20Ω 1A"字样的滑动变阻器连接在串联电路中,电压表测灯泡L的电压那么当电源电压是4.5V,电流表量程为0~0.6A,电压表量程为0~3V时,闭合开关,移动滑动变阻器滑片则 "阿拉伯联盟"是个什么组织?有哪些成员国? 阿盟有哪些国家 Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go the ..不要照搬别人答案给我> 问问英语单选哈!many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to forest when they remembered When they remembered the scene_______people were eaten by tiger选项:A.that B.by which C.which D.in which 科技既可以造福于人类也会给人类带来灾难,在利用科技的同时也要( ) "犹太人"英文怎么写? (数学题啊啊啊!求解答!我给加分啊)国家规定个人发表文章、出版图书所获稿费的纳税计算方法是:1.稿费低于800元不纳税;2.稿费在800~4000元应缴纳超过800元那部分稿费的14%的税;(如稿 英语翻译犹太教认为上帝与犹太祖先之间订有契约 ,上帝将犹太人当作“特选子民” .其中的“特选子民”原本英语中是怎么写的.注意了,我要的是原版! 英语翻译一般英文翻译成中文都是谐音过来的,为什么犹太英文Jewish会这种翻法 许多年以来第一批犹太人来到了这个地方用英文翻译 英语翻译jews today cannot think about about the power of the state of Israel without at the same moment remenmbering the utter powerlessness of their European cousins under the murderous regime of the Nazis. acknowledge什么意思 Please acknowledge your receipt as soon as you would get them there!Please acknowledge your receipt as soon as you would get them there! 英语翻译 PLEASE的意思 已知根号13的整数部分为a,小数部分为b,求4/b-a的值 acknowledge的用法谢谢音标,词义,固定短语都说下! 把五分之三米长的铁丝平均剪成8段,每段是这根铁丝的几分之几?每段长几分之几米? “罗斯恰尔斯” 犹太人的名字怎么读?给我写英文吧. In order to figure out if the marriage customs of the Jews in Kaifeng have an impact on the contemporary culture in relation to marriage,a questionnaire will be given out to thirty participants.if they have witnessed seven lanterns being lit during a 英语抽认卡怎么读要土音 一项工程,甲队单独做15天完成,乙队单独做12天完成.现在由甲队先做6天,剩下的由两队合做,(列方程解) acknowledge在一句话中的意思Jane was very displeased because that was not the first time Tom failed to acknowledge her letter.请问acknowledge在这句话中是什么意思? 一项工程,单独完成,甲要12天,已要15天.现在甲,已合作若干后,剩下的由已单做了6天完成任务.问甲做几 Greatly acknowledge Xiaoming student 这句话有语法错误吗 为什么地球是圆的而地面是平的 将相和一文由什么三个故事组成的 将相和一文是由那三个故事组成的 将相和写了哪三个小故事,三个故事之间有什么联系,结构上和内容上