
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:51:18
his father died when he was young ,when后面是状语从句么 (七年级下英语) she does her homework in the evening.(改为(七年级下英语)she does her homework in the evening.(改为同义句)she _____ _____ her homework in the evening. 求英文抒情歌曲~类似于Air Supply的Every Woman In The World旋律一定要好听 there is/are a variety of rooms 这里用is 还是are 是There is no book还是There is no books?或There are no books there ____ a kind of books.是is 还是are? ( )is the rabbit?It's in the box.A what B whose C where 初三的英语作文,帮忙看一下有没有什么错误. 祈使句的练习题和答案 祈使句练习题及答案?祈使句练习题及答案分别是什么?有谁知道吗? 语文祈使句练习题?暂时没分了!下次给你昂! 德语祈使句的相关练习和答案 英语翻译You choose the long road,But well be waiting bye bye beautif!尤其是BYE BYE BEAUTIF! 求短文纠错.下面这篇短文,读过后纠错,改正不改正随意.Dear Meng.First I need clear up about i like you this thing.Listening,That's only like!Not love,I admit that I had like you,Might as well tell you.I need a girl who can accompan 求,短文纠错.下面这篇短文,读过后纠错,改正不改正随意.Dear Meng.First I need clear up about i like you this thing.Listening,That's only like!Not love,I admit that I had like you,Might as well tell you.I need a girl who can accompa 英文作文纠错This news mainly reported in New York taxi driver uplift the customer's car price madly. Now the New York Taxi Commission has launched an investigation of this incident. When I saw this news, this incident shocked me. This incident 英语短文纠错There are four seasons in a year:spring,summer,autumn and winter.Each season has three months.There are three months in spring:March,April and May.I like spring best.Because there are so many beautiful things.In spring,the weather t 英语短文,求纠错It's wrong to laugh at a soldier who spoke and acted inconveniemcely in his procession.It is like insulting a man whose hands and feet were bound去嘲笑一名在队伍中说话和行动不方便的士兵是错误的,那就像 英语翻译schmandards different people have different kinds of a____ 首字母填空 Days off work for people of different ages in Britain是什么意思 .英语阅读翻people may have many different types of hobbies during their lifetime Different people have different ways of keeping f_____. 一道证明题求解决! 英语中最高级的前面要不要加the? 请帮忙解决一道证明题在梯形ABCD中,AB平行CD,角A加角B等于九十度,M N分别是AB.CD的中点,证明MN=1/2(AB-CD) 在等腰梯形ABCD中,AD‖BC,对角线AC、BD相交于点O,∠ADB=60°,E、F、G分别是OA、OB、CD的中点,判断△EFG的形状,并说明理由. 英语中最高级的前面一定要加the吗? What letter is question 帮我改一个祈使句(英语)!We talk about the film.改为祈使句, 1、My father started teaching when he was____.A、19 years old B、19 year oldC、19-year-old D、19-years-old 2、Many people like the TV play______Palace(电视名) very much.A、called B、calls C、to call D、calling 英语翻译1,他在这里教书已经四年了.2,他们还没有完成家庭作业.3.我以前见过他,但是我不记得是在哪里.4,自从她走后,她女儿一直闷闷不乐.5这是我去过最小的国家.6你来到这个城市已经多久