
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:54:45
英语作文how to help others?求范文一片 求一篇英语作文:Give Help to Others As is known to all,China is a developing country.的意思? 问下初一上册数学练习题有熟悉这个的吗?非常谢谢大伙了0f 跪求语文版语文八年级上册古诗...语文版噢. 英文综述性文献怎么查找 初中英语词类各个含义是什么?我是文盲,不想让妹妹也文盲啊!谢谢了··· 英语中各种词类用什么表示?n.名词 v.动词 adj.形容词 …… 英语中词类转译的例句如名词转译为动词,形容词转译为动词,副词转译为动词等 We should __ ____ help others. 我们应该尽全力去帮助别人 we should —— —— help others W should help others为什么有others 朱自清的散文《冬天》的阅读答案 ,原文,冬 天朱自清说起冬天,忽然想到豆腐.是一“小洋锅”(铝锅)白煮豆腐,热腾腾的.水滚着,像好些鱼眼睛,一小块一小块豆腐养在里面,嫩而滑,仿佛反穿 冬天 朱自清 作者为了突出文章的主旨而在选材上有什么特点 朱自清的冬天中作者为了突出表现文章的主旨而在于精心选材上的精心安排,请就此作一点分析 朱自清的冬天中,作者为了突出表现文章的主旨而在选材上有精心安排,请就此做一点分析我们都喜欢白水豆腐的原因是什么 朱自清《春》,文章的主旨是什么?很紧急 高手批改(13) Should We Help Strangers   Should we help strangers I think the question is easy.The answer is :We should in most situation.With the development of society,people appears some like indifferent in public.Some sad events happen I don't know if it ____tomorrow.If it ____,we'll go out for a picnic.A.will rain doesn't rain B.rains;won't rainC.will rain;won't rain D.rains,doesn't rain 以Should We Help the Elderly为题英语作文简述老人摔倒没人敢扶的情景与原因以及自己的见解 .I don’t know if it _____.If it _____,I’ll go out for picnic.A.rains…isn’t B.rains…won’t C.will rain…won’t D.will rain…doesn’t不是主将从现吗?那不是应该选 D答案为什么是C 呢 后面怎么会填won’t we should help e____ o____还有:They plant trees as —————————— as they can. 懂数学的人来(很简单)已知甲、乙、丙、丁4个数都不是0,又知道:甲除以乙=0.5,丁除以乙=1.1,丙除以0.4=乙,甲除以1.25=丙.比较甲、乙、丙、丁4个数的大小!( )> ( ) > ( ) > ( ) 会数学或懂天气的来(很简单的,)如果今天22点下大雨,再过72小时后,会不会出太阳,为什么?(完整点.回答的完整我奖分会很高!十万火急! 可是我还是没太懂已知a²-a-1=0,求a的4次方+a的4次方分之1的值 只是我不懂理解什么叫 常数,系数,因数,关于英语的,还有term又是什么数呢definition of +/- ,是什么律呢 朱自清的文章有哪些朱自清的文章有 Ordinary people usually want to get help from others,even if the excellent people need help either有语法错误吗? Don't r________ to help others for you will need it from people one dayMy children were e________about opening their presents.Much of the land is c_______by forest In your sparetime ,what do you like for e ______besides watching TV/ But i can also learn from him never hesitates to help those who need help others这句语法有错吗? The lifeguard,with the help from others,(look)__for the child主谓一致,请问上面是怎么填才好,