
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 11:02:24
worried(同义词) 句子:People who are unable to speak sign what they want to say with their hands.句中的sign表示及物动词令我不理解,speak后可接动词吗?答案上说sign是及物动词,意思是“比划出;做手势;打信号”为何sign在 我想问一下下面句子中SW是什么的缩写下面这个地名中SW是什么英文单词的缩写1120 SW 5th Avenue还有这个地址中的SW也应该是同一个意思SW Washington,D.C. 收音机上会有这些字样:FM\MW\SW的字样,请问FM是哪些单词的缩写? SW是什么词组的首字母缩写啊?无厘头的,朋友的描述…… 树上有一只公鸟和一只母鸟正在树上哼着小曲.突然看到一只狼把一只羊追到树下,狼凶残的小羊吃掉了.然后母鸟说了句话,公鸟就把母鸟强奸了.母鸟说了句什么话? 风尚的同义词 英语高手帮我看看我这两个句子有没有语法错误Those teachers who dedicate themselves in basic education,virtually,don't need to attend courses to update their knowledge.Since their teaching propose are mainly to increase students' al 常四爷是个什么样的人物?他跟谭嗣同相比,你觉得谭嗣同更可敬的是什么? be,for,to,some,any这些英文怎么用be我不知道应该在什么情况下用,为什么for和to各用在什么地方,为什么some和any在什么情况下怎么用,为什么小弟跪下磕头 Any shape and any size to Europe.英语翻译 To continue to share of love `but never be away这句英文有语法错误吗? somewhere的缩写是什么,某地的意思 能告诉我somewhere的人缩写吗? 请教各位英语高手:somewhere 有没有缩写形式? 多谢 Life is short. Break the rules, forgive quickly love truly, laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile ACTING UP怎么样 有关英语的问题,OUT怎么翻在我所在的县城的超市里,出口处墙上写着:“OUT”,每次结帐时都看到,感觉超市在让我“滚出去”,有点不爽.小弟英语四级水平,而且快忘光了,不知道是不是自己领 为什么" can be changed easily"中change要加ed原句the resistance can be changed easily.可以帮我翻译一下吗 what if you can't change society and don't want to be changed by it?No translation,please.Your ideas are appreciated. I can't change society but I don't want to be changed by it?I just don't want to be changed by our society whichhas distorted human nature and personality.it's amonster.I know that I can't change it at all,but Ijust can't bear to think that I am a lo Inside Out (Album Version) 歌词 having have us 我们有一些校规需要我们遵守.We have some ____ ____ ____ at school. 他的爸爸听到那个结果的时候似乎很高兴 His father____________when he他的爸爸听到那个结果的时候似乎很高兴His father____________when he hears the result who can do it? Who can do it这是什么意思呢? who can do it(the wrong one) How to do it?Who can help me 我得了慢性咽喉炎,喉咙总是很痛.都半年了,一点热东西都吃不得.就连冰棍都吃不得.是不是没得救了?对了,还有,自从得了慢性咽喉炎以后,我的口也变得很臭,怎么刷牙都 If I could be half the man That you are in my eyes 为什么不能用is being more and more popular如题 If you take half form a half dollar,hou much is left?请回答