
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 02:35:49
裕兴新概念与新东方新概念有什么区别啊?哪个好点啊?用来自学的,对考四级,对考研,考职称英语哪个更贴切点?悬赏50积分,直接复制下的再不看,真正学的懂的人, Martin Robinson is a famous doctor who has a lot of experience dealing with teenagers.who在此句中引导 ______ ,修饰a famous doctor,who可与 ____ 互换.②在做某事方面有经验 ,in可省略,此处experience为(可数、不可数)名 英语翻译Martin Robinson is a famous doctor/ who has a lot of experience/ dealing with teenagers.His new book/ What Would You Do/ If…?came out/ last month.It gives advice/ on what to do/ in lots of different situations.Here are two pages/ from t --I think I'll give Bob a ring.--You ___________.You haven't been in touvh with him for ages.A will B may C may D should 初二英语选择题1道How much_____do you know?A books B news C members D stories说明原因,谢谢 He ---the cup yesterday and it is now--- A.broke breaking B.broke broken you left your books at home ,___A.remember not to bring them hereB.don't forget them here要理由 want to buy some clothes for my daughter同义句是毛? I want some clothes for my daughter改为一般疑问2.The shoes are (over there)对括号部分提问 3.This Englishbook is (羊14.65)那个样就是钱的意思那标志打不出来所以用样表示 懂么,对括号部分提问4.Wha 把Amy (wants to buy)这里改为同义的词组 some clothes tomorrow. My sisiter likes to buy some clothes when she is f_____ is a famous docter who has a lot of experience dealing with teenagers中,dealing是什么结构 The doctor has rich experience______the cut .A dealing with B.deal with C.do with D.cover 运用记叙、描写的表达方式吧《桃花源记》中那片美丽的桃花林展现出来. 请大家从文学的角度来解释我的名字 “赵海光”.回答合我意的另加分! London is a very beautiful city的同义句London is ____ ____ beautiful city 成语意思帮忙查一要完整的意思 ___he has limited technical knowledge ,the old worker has a lot of experience .0 - 解决时间:2007-5-30 22:25 A.SinceB.Unless C.AsD.Although为啥不能用AS? The f____ of the bird are very colourful and beautiful.Don’t make any t_____ .There is a k____ at the door.Who is it? A,is,card,bird,beautiful,a,with怎么连词成句 a beautiful bird55555555专指某类人。 当前房地产市场需求问题分析与对策 英文怎么翻译 急用急用 这个用英文怎么翻译, 英语翻译房地产营销的研究 中国的房地产市场正处于发展的初级阶段,从全国范围来看发展不均。国内的大中城市及沿海经济发达地区房地产业的市场化发展水平较高,产品的推广以及概念 如何用英文翻译:房地产企业的网络营销策略研究 我刚上初一,所以课都能跟得上就是数学不行,现在学的相反数和绝对值根本看不懂这样怎么办才好,小学数学挺好的基础什么的不错这样怎么办才好呢天天被数学愁死了 Our team lost the game.What a p_________ (首字母填空)首字母填空 Our team lost.It was a good game A.thoughB.howeverC.otherwiseD.evenchoose which one tell me reason 把这些成语的意思一个一个查好发给我吧作壁上观 走马观花 醉生梦死 左支右绌 自怨自艾 无可奈何花落去 庸人自扰 云程发轫 欲盖弥彰 罄竹难书 日不暇给 天理昭彰 探骊得珠 十步芳草 十 桃花源记 第一段描写桃花林有什么作用】 初中英语单选题:Martin Robinson is famous ( ) a doctor ( ) writing a fist-aid book.A.as;byB.as;forC.for;of为什么选B? the time is flying awany ,and years are passing by,but you ar friendship is aways in my heart 什么