
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:44:47
I still remember the days____I spent in Beijing.A.whenB.whatC.thatD.duringwhy not "A"? my ideal job英语作文....myi ideal job is to be a teacher........................................Firs,being a teacher is my dream Second......................Third................................不少于60字 求英语作文一篇,my ideal job.急,150字左右, 求英语作文一篇 my ideal jobmy ideal job is to be a writer.不要太长2、300就够了,在线等ing。。。急急急。。。。。 英语作文My ideal job60词,要符合以下三个提问1.What job would you like to do?2.Why do you want to do the job?Give two or three reasons(理由).3.What can you do now to help you to realize(实现)your dream?符合初一学生水平 三峡 郦道元山有什么特点 郦道元[ 三峡 ]原文,快速要 ---When shall we start the restoration of the historic buildings?一Not until our plan________ by the committee.A.will be approved B.approvesC.is to approve D.has been approved 长江三峡指瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡.这句话对吗? 英语翻译为什么要用when she still remembers the days___she was in the countryside___she was young.a.as;that b.which;when c.when;as d.during which;that☆:请问如何翻译?后半句不少成分填when我知道,那前半句为什么填which呢? 包拯刚毅廉洁 古文翻译第二段:除天章阁待制、知谏院……朝廷多施行之. 已知f(x)是正比例函数,函数g(x)是反比例函数,且f(1)=1,g(1)=1(1)求f(x),g(x) (2)判断h(x)=f(x)+g(x)的奇偶性 (3)证明函数s(x)=xf(x)+g(0.5)在(0,+无穷0上是增函数 瞿塘峡、西陵峡、巫峡各有多长 作者:刘白羽 【问题】在刘白羽笔下,瞿塘峡、巫峡、西陵峡各有什么特点?作者在描写时又分别运用了哪些表现手法?请结合作品中的相关内容具体分析.ps:答案请简洁.明白 .分条列出 牛人 Look at our website if the camera ______.(doesn’t work/ isn’t working/ won’t work) 英语翻译拯性峭直,恶吏苛刻,务敦厚,虽甚嫉恶,而未尝不推以忠恕也.与人不苟合,不伪辞色悦人,平居无私书,故人、亲党皆绝之.虽贵,衣服、器用、饮食如布衣时.尝曰:“後世子孙仕宦,有犯赃 Our question is when ____ the work.A.startingB.to startC.start 包拯律己原文和翻译文言文 Should we accept money from our parents when we do some housework?我们应该接受你的钱从我们的父母当我们做家务吗?列提纲 I still remember the day that we first met in our school.that不对,答案是用when,也可以是on which,on 是哪里来的 Do you still remember the factory _____ we visited last week?A where B what C that D when选择 英语作文.(初二)My ideal job 快提示1.长大以后当一名歌星2.优势;如果歌唱得好,就会出名.出了名,就可以挣很多钱,可以开自己的公司,可以向慈善机构捐款,可以帮助别人,还可以周游全世界.3. I still remember the day ____she first wore that pink dress.这里空格处填 on which,没想明白,我觉得就填which就可以了. 英语翻译1.不要抄袭公共英语的!2.字数在100字左右.3.最好简单点(我是初一学生看着办)4.最好能写成老师或者医生之类的. "I still remember the day when I first came to this school"when能不能用that来代替?为什么?还有另一个句子:"The house where I lived ten years ago has been pulled down"where能不能用that来代替?为什么?. 英语作文 my ideal job\ 度假旅游 长江三峡是几座山?瞿塘峡,巫峡和西陵峡. 三峡是什么的简称,指瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡. 包拯翻译 包拯的翻译 三峡是瞿塘峡、巫峡、西陵峡的总称.