
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:04:56
写景的表现手法有哪些? _You shouldn't have been so rude to her._I actually regret _____ her.1.to hurt2.to be hurting3.hurting4.to have hurt 写景都有什么表现手法? 田园乐其六田园乐(其六) 唐·王维 桃红复含宿雨,柳绿更带朝烟.花落家童未扫,莺啼山客犹眠.这首诗的前两句写出了景物 、 的特点(两个特点啊)结合诗的三四句具体说说作者的田园乐乐 铁臂阿童木的英文歌曲名字是什么 阿童木的英文名怎么读?阿童木的英文名"astroboy"怎么读?麻烦大家给我一个真正的答案,可以的话给我音标或者土音都可以。 大战阿童木翻译成英文是什么? The travel agency offered her a hotel ____ 120 yuan every day .A for B to C with D at.老师说应是D呢,说是at a price of.价钱的前面接at.可网上都说是A.到底哪个对啊,为什么? The travel agency offered her a hotel ____ 120 yuan every dayprivate?provided?PS private从未在课本中出现过,provide为本科单词.不好意思啊发错了……That is the man’s p___own car是原题。 Chinese people still remember those exciting days _____ they spent during Beijing2008Olympic GamesA.that B.who C.when D.whom The Travel Agency offered him a hotel _30 dollars every dayA / B for C to D with 答案是选B,我觉得D也可以另外,为什么选B,希望可以解释一下两个BD两个选项, 英语翻译in 2003,a robot was created by DR.tenma,mobilizing the cream of technologists in the science ministry.the robot was named Astro Boy.这是一段和日本老早的一部动画片有关的段落,就印在班尼路卖的T恤上. The Travel Agency offered him a hotel ______ 30 dollars every day.A / B for 请问选哪项? 桃,西瓜,杨梅哪个是蔷薇科 描写杨梅的句子 有关杨梅的诗句有那些?多多益善哦 can only pursue the Happiness,but never reach 俗世奇人“泥人张”“杨七”“杨八”各自奇在哪里 Remember to take my beloved a birthday party for my beloved father to be held next Sunday 为什么不用hold I think it's going to rain tonight.A I think so.B hope so.哪一个仕最佳答案 情书最后一句用“To my love,my lifetime beloved”是否合适想用比较地道的英文来表示= = LZ在帮朋友写情书,最后一段结尾是:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX一生的眷恋,一世的相伴To my love,my lifeti 英语翻译My beloved Xin,Thanks for your email to me.I am doing this because of the deteriorating state of my health.I am glad to hear about your willingness to make this happen.I have written to the finance company informing them of my intentions “杨梅树在吮吸着春天的甘露”写出了杨梅树在雨中的什么的特点? 俗世奇人!急!观察周围的人,写一篇人物速写.写出他们的奇处,绝处 俗世奇人有哪些呢要回答全部的,有19个哦 俗世奇人有那些 Happiness is only a step away,I had no right to touch it 这句话翻译成汉语上门意思 Believe that difficulty is only temporary and happiness will eventually come 的意思 I believe everyone also can get happiness that only belongs to theirselves是 MJ的MONSTER的歌词翻译. It's very ____(cloud) ,it is going to rain later on.