
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:10:48
翻译it's your loving and your caring .and knowing that you'er near.that gentle touch you have. That child, I have missed you , I have seemed to have fallen in love with you really翻译什么意思? And so of other animals.They have no new fashions,and learn none from each other.and so of The man in a white coat is our English teacher.对划线部分提问,划线部分是in a white coat. 翻译Lost in thought and lost in time. The man (in a white shirt) is our Chinese teacher.(对括号部分提问) ( ) ( ) ( ) your Chineseteacher? 英语翻译I've been working on an experiment...我一直在研究一项实验......alone,isolated...孤苦伶仃,无依无靠for I don't know how long.我我都不知道有多久I've lost track of time.没和人接触了.Three...三...It might even (lost time)歌词的翻译呀. i have a sister and()five children A,the other B other C another D others后面是for的话,那么前面是cost spend pay 还是take He raised the baby and his____five children on a farm. A.another B.others C.the other D.other考点及原因.答案选D,Why? have five color pencils,one is bule,another is red and A.the otherB.other three areI have five color pencils,one is bule,another is red and A.the otherB.other three are green.为什么这里选A?选B我觉得也可以啊,选B就是把other当做形 bron,were,when,you连词成句 have,a,concert,pop,do,you year,were,you,born,which 连词成句 The slave __from morning till night.A.made to work B.was made workingC.was made worked D.was made to work 选哪个 为什么啊 The boss had them_______from morning to night.A.workedB.workingC.work 请说明为什么,请问这里用了什么句型?记得是:have sb.什么 sth. 一道概率密度求分布律的题:设顾客在某银行窗口等待服务的时间X(单位:分钟)具有概率密度f(x)设顾客在某银行窗口等待服务的时间X(单位:分钟)具有概率密度f(x)={(1/5)*e^(-x/5),x>0;0,其他}. 玩电脑游戏的英文翻译中games为什么是用复数 do you think good manners are very inportant in our life.Why?如题.回答的时候最好带翻译的. 19世纪日本以朝鲜为跳板,发动了哪次侵华战争? 甲午战争是?为全面占领朝鲜,进而以朝鲜为跳板,吞并中国而蓄意挑起的. 需要有哲理的一段话很有哲理的一段话,给我啊 甲午战争是什么为全面占领朝鲜,进而以朝鲜为跳板,吞并中国而挑起的? 给同学推荐有哲理的一段话 向前一步是幸福,退后一步是孤独.这句话有道理吗? 为什么说微电子技术是整个信息技术领域的基础 在下列关于信息技术的说法中,错误的是() A微电子技术是信息技术的基础 B计算机技术是现代信息技术在下列关于信息技术的说法中,错误的是()A微电子技术是信息技术的基础B计算机技 微电子技术的物理基础 微电子技术为什么是信息技术领悟的基础 现代信息技术中,最重要的信息技术是 A计算机技术 B网络技术 C通信技术 D微电子技术 i have had a few students ask me for advice about this.这句话有语法错误吗? 英语句子翻译:太阳在西边落下 祝福你的每一天比阳光还灿烂 翻译成英语