
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:55:59
I can't forget the time——the eaarthquake happened in Yushu.A.when B.which C.that D.where只知道答案选A,A为什么对,BCD为什么不对,怎么判断是什么类型的从句, 英语改错,画出错误,然后改正.i don't play football yesterday football,did,play,yesterday,he? 1.Vince inwited me ___ (play) football yesterday?写清原因 请以”放弃“为话题,运用排比句式,至少续写两个句式.生活中应该学会放弃.要想采一束清新的山花,就得放弃城市的舒适;要想做一名登山健儿,就得放弃娇嫩白净的肤色;要想永远有掌声,就 直线l过点(-3,-2)且在y轴截距等于x轴截距3倍,则这条直线l方程为 囧”“槑”“靐”怎么读?什么意思啊?谢谢! He works in an office.(同义句)He does ____ ____. 囧字什么意思啊?还有槑字~~解释一下 he works in an office的同意句he's___office____. 有什么好玩的汉字,像槑 囧 (At Mr.White's office in a middle school)A:Hello!B:Speaking please.____?A:I am Peter's mother.I‘d like to ask for leave for my son.B:____?A:He doesn't feel well this morning.He has a cold.B:____.Is it serious?A:Not very serious.But the doctor asked Mr White worked in an office in London,求这篇阅读理解的答案Mr White worked in an office in London,but he lived in the country and came to work by train every day.The station was not very far from his office,and Mr White always went on foot, 关于感觉的英文作文5到10句足够了 It snowed heavily last night(改为同义句)There ____ a ___ ____ last night It rained so heavily yesterday that we couldn't have a picnic.(同义句转换)It rained _____heavily for us ______have picnic. It snowed heavily yesterday中snow为什么叫ed? This is a dog改成否定句改成疑问句呢,并作肯定否定回答 还有It is a box并作肯定否定回答 this is she dog.怎么改 I bought it(last year)(对划线部分提问)This is(be and kitty's)dog.(对划线部分提问) I was so tired that () I closed my eyes,I fall asleep.A for the moment B the moment whenC the moment D at the moment when选什么?why? I'am tired,How tired when living in a world that everyone is veiled,I is time to have a maths homework为什么math加s?math homework对吗?fall in maths的math不加s对吗? fall in maths.math为什么要加s I`m tired、How tired when living in a world that everyone is veiled、 You will always be mine forever... 我昨天做数学作业做得很费劲 I ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )the math homework yesterday. math什么情况下加s 上海有哪些适合高中生的英语角?(最好不要出中心城区)本人目前高二,在普陀区读高中我觉得我口语不行,所以想练习口语,但不知道上海有哪些适合高中生去的英语角,顺便熟悉一下英语的 比较适合准备出国的高中生的英语角上海有吗?我主要是想和外国人多练习听力和口语我不知道哪里有适合我的,而且以前去的地方基本上都有点听不懂别人在说什么~自己似乎也找不到话题谈~ 上海哪里有英语角有老外的thank you. 能补充说明时间吗? 都什么时间有英语角? 急求一篇关于西方古典建筑的英文文章只要是关于西方古典建筑文章就可以,非常急! 请问上海那里有英语角?我家住在上海,我本人很想学英语,希望有心人能提供给我上海读英语角的地方.