
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 18:03:37
英语里有没有by one's car这个短语?和by car,in one's car有什么区别没有? by car与in a car区别 take a friend home in one's car 请高手推荐一下用收音机收听英语的频道和时间啊!很需要联系英语了, 怎样用收音机收听美国之声等著名英语节目?大一新生 练听力 世界上最准确的钟原子钟,在2000万年的时间内,他的误差在+1秒内-你了解它的精确程度吗? 世界上最准的钟是什么钟? 目前世界上最精确的钟是什么钟拜托各位了 3Q 世界上最精准的钟精准到哪个单位 think on one's SMJ英语七年级下册(外研版新标准)封底答案2009学年第二学期七年级英语(外研版新标准)同步检测SMJ---封底答案 怎么样才能搜索到英文的广告词 upside down和stand up on one's head有什么区别 on one's head 原句为:Then she looked in the third mirror."now I am on my head," stand on his head 的中文是什么 rest one’s head on one’s hand麻烦翻译下这短句的意思`` 家里钟表的摆放位置家里面的钟表摆放位置有说道吗, 钟的摆放位置可摆在神位的上下方么? 钟表如何摆放 stand on my stand on your own firm what I have to do is ( ) on my own feet.(stand)用括号里单词的正确形式填空 变同义句 1.we are also going to go to beijing.2.we are going to study chinese.3.lots of children are learning English.4I’m going to go to schooi by bus we are also going to go to Beijing.we are also going to go to Beijing.同义句 we( )go to English,( ). we are also going sightseeing 于 we are also going to go sightseeing 有什么一样 和有什么不同, Would you mind(turn)down the radio a bike?用所给词的适当形式填空,要讲解 "Would you please turn down the radio?"I said to the boy 改成间接引语怎么改? turn the radio down 和 turn down the radio都行吗 brother的对应词、谢了 我在南昌上大学,我想通过听收音机提高英语听力,我的收音机是FM的,请问我在哪个频道可以听,我在农大上学,收音机频率在60--110HZ之间,哪位英语爱好者能指点迷津, 对应词!her,e _______ brothers _______ 用十字图形框出5个数.如果要使五个数的和为325,你能在十字图里写出这5个数吗?