
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:48:09
从5件不同的礼物中,选出3件分别送给3个人,共有多少种不同的分法? 六人行的英文剧本谁能给我份 英语翻译Bette Midler - From A Distance Lyrics From a distance the world looks blue and green,and the snow-capped mountains white.From a distance the ocean meets the stream,and the eagle takes to flight.From a distance,there is harmony,and it echo distance-amplitude-curves ①.v1 用了 t1 min ;下山速度是 v2 ,用了 t2 min ,则上山、下山的 [平均]速度是____________.②.一件商品的售价为a元,成本价是b元,则这种商品的利润率是________. 蒋捷的《一剪梅·舟过吴江》和《行香子 舟宿兰湾》有什么关系吗?两首词很像的感觉最好能顺便再附上这两首词和他们的解释 已知a=1-根号2时,求a-1分之a+1减a方-2a+1分之a除以a分之1的值 已知函数f(x)是正比例函数,函数g(x)反比例函数,且f(1)=1,g(1)=2,求f(x),g(x). 蒋捷的《一剪梅 舟过吴江》的主旨是什么? 蒋捷的一剪梅舟过吴江最后一句红与绿二字的表达效果? 求蒋捷《一剪梅 舟过吴江》全文 literal translation和word-for-word translation有什么不同? literal bang 翻译? 意译(literal translation),音译(transliteration)的英文科学定义!还有“直译”英语怎么说? when you ( ) to a friend ,you are using sign b.speak c.wave 已知函数Φφ(x)=f(x)+g(x),其中f(x)是x的正比例函数,g(x)是x的反比例函数,且φ(1/2)=4 φ(1)=5:求φ(x)的解析式,指出定义域 关于探险的作文 帮下忙吧 I'm going to go swimming正确吗? 我打算去游泳:I'm going swimming. 省略了going to 可以这么解释吗?表将来 I'm going to go swimming. (1/6)谁能帮我翻译一下 This feeling of love This feeling of love that I have 为什么 I'M GOING SWIMMING 不是 TO SWIM? I'm going swimming还是I'm going swim 英语翻译This Feeling of Loveby Indu NairThis feeling of love that I have for you,A feeling so strong,so special,so new.You give me the gift of happiness each day,Never have I known it could be this way.You have given your love regardless of cost, 关于生命的精彩的作文,字数500左右 10篇道德观察200字左右的观后感? i am going to swim 和i am going to go swimming有什么区别呢?答的正确送50分 帮我看看这个演讲搞.帮我演讲搞改改.语法错误.或者有什么不对的直接帮我改下谢谢!Knowing your audience is essentialMost of us are aware that communication is one of the important and basic ways.I think verbal communicat 求道德观察观后感10篇 200字左右 三年级美丽的小兴安岭小练笔作文怎么写? 我去游泳可以用将来时吗?i am going to swim,i am swimming对吗 it was( )this morning .there was a lot of( )给rain 的适当形式填空 道德观察观后感400字