
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 13:05:54
We must be careful_____(cross) the road. 澳大利亚周围濒临的大洋是 印度洋几乎全是海洋吗? 印度洋属于第几大洋第一还是第二还是第三还是第四 culture的中文意思 CULTURAL NOTES翻译中文什么意思 multi-cultural翻译汉语 Water Club of Culture and Amusement翻译成中文是什么意思? 红海和印度洋之间有什么半岛 红海为什么叫红海 There must to be some monkeys_____ (escape) from the zoo.sorry,没to We must ___(be) careful. 请问托福口语要想得23分 要怎样水平我20号考的 4 没说完但就差一点 5题 本来想说 选第一个答案 结果说成了第二个 可理由没变 6题也没说太清楚= = 其他题的只能说凑合我大概能多少分? 30分求做托福口语题!some people prefer to go the same place for a vacation,others prefer go to ddiffrent places and spend little time at each place.which do you prefer? 托福口语题,请帮我回答一下,实在想不出来了,1.Some students prefer to prepare their projects on the due days.Others prefer to prepare their projects much earlier before the due day.Which do you prefer and why?2.Some students prefer to 托福口语30分Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Artists and musicians are important to the society.Use specific reasons to support your answer.解题:你是否同意以下陈述?艺术家和音乐家对一个社会非常重 托福口语多少分? cross cultural communication text:what went wrong 课文翻译. I was in the zoo yesterday.(一般疑问句) It was yesterday that he met my brother in the Zoo.我知道这个是强调句,怎么把它变为表语从句?It was yesterday that he met my brother in the Zoo.我知道这个是强调句,那它为什么不是表语从句呢?如果把它变为表语 澳大利亚算岛国吗?是一个大洲,想问下算不算岛国, The lion died in this zoo the other day was a mother lion 这句话有什么错误吗 怎么改 澳大利亚是岛国吗、? 澳大利亚是不是岛国rt分歧很大.我从韩寒的文章中看到"我来到岛国澳大利亚" 如果小行星撞击南极洲对人类有什么好处?假如直径10公里到50公里的的石质小行星以极高的速度撞击南极洲对人类有什么好处?是不是人类可以免于一 难 了 假如 撞击点 正好处于 南 纬 90度的 人类探寻南极洲的历史以及相关突破 英语翻译人民币升值对外贸影响在开放经济条件下,汇率的变动对一国经济的发展有着至关重要的意义.自从2005年7月21日中国人民银行宣布人民币汇率改革以来,人民币对美元汇率就一直处在缓 英语翻译 cross-cultural awareness是什么意思 同义句转换:Three monkeys escaped from the zoo.Three monkeys ----- ------from the zoo. There were three elephants at the zoo yesterday .Zhang Peng is going to visit his grandparents this weekend.It was Monday yesterday.No,My aunt teaches English My brother is riding a bike .What’s Chen Jie’s hobby?Are you helpful at home?Where does Three monkeys escaped from the zoo last week.改为同义句Three monkeys ____ ____ from the zoo last week