托福口语题,请帮我回答一下,实在想不出来了,1.Some students prefer to prepare their projects on the due days.Others prefer to prepare their projects much earlier before the due day.Which do you prefer and why?2.Some students prefer to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 13:25:42
托福口语题,请帮我回答一下,实在想不出来了,1.Some students prefer to prepare their projects on the due days.Others prefer to prepare their projects much earlier before the due day.Which do you prefer and why?2.Some students prefer to
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托福口语题,请帮我回答一下,实在想不出来了,1.Some students prefer to prepare their projects on the due days.Others prefer to prepare their projects much earlier before the due day.Which do you prefer and why?2.Some students prefer to
1.Some students prefer to prepare their projects on the due days.Others prefer to prepare their projects much earlier before the due day.Which do you prefer and why?
2.Some students prefer to study new materials by taking detailed notes in class.Others students prefer to just by listening,which do you prefer and why?
3.Describe a historic event that you are interested in most.Explain why you are interested in it and want to know more about it.
4.Do you agree with the following statement?The way a person dresses can reflects this person’s personality.Use specific reasons and examples to support your ideas.
5.Describe one thing you didn't want to do but you were asked to do.Explain what the result of that thing was.

托福口语题,请帮我回答一下,实在想不出来了,1.Some students prefer to prepare their projects on the due days.Others prefer to prepare their projects much earlier before the due day.Which do you prefer and why?2.Some students prefer to
Describe a historical event that you’re interested in most.Explain why you are interested in it and want to know more about it.Include reasons and examples to support your response.
I would like to say that mission of Apollo 11 is the historical event that I’m most interested in.
I’m so fascinated in it because as a big space fan,I think it is the greatest achievement and the most ambitious adventure in our history.NASA carried out an incredible task of sending human beings to the Moon and bringing them back safely in just one decade.
Yet the miraculous success causes a bitter controversy about its truth.Though I do believe that the mission of Apollo 11 is a success,not a lie,I still hope that NASA can provide indisputable facts to prove they are right.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The way a person dresses can reflect this person’s personality.Use specific reasons to support your answer.
Personally,I don’t agree with the statement that the way a person dresses can reflect this person’s personality for the following reasons.
First of all,one can have very changeable ways of dressing at the same time,but he or she might have unchangeable personality.So it’s really hard to say whether there’s a relationship between one’s way of dressing and his or her personality.
Moreover,somebody will deliberately hide his or her true shape by dressing in an opposite way.We may make mistakes if we believe that the way a person dresses can reflect this person’s personality.
Describe one thing you didn’t want to do but you were asked to do.Explain what the result of that thing was.Include reasons and details in your response.
I would like to say that making a science and technology design was one thing that I didn’t want to do but was asked to do then.
All the students of our school were asked to finish a science and technology design by the end of the 10th Grade.It was a very complicated work because we had to hand in both the design and product.Though I was quite reluctant then,I chose water rocket as my project.
Fortunately,the result is much better than I thought it would be.I not only finished the design and had a beautiful launch on time,but also started to have an interest in science and technology design.

4I disagree strongly with the idea that the same amount of money should go to university sports activities as to university libraries. Although playing sports is a wonderful way to learn about teamwor...


4I disagree strongly with the idea that the same amount of money should go to university sports activities as to university libraries. Although playing sports is a wonderful way to learn about teamwork, strategy and reaching your goals, it should not be the principal focus of a university education.
Students need the most up-to-date library facilities available to get the best education. Many of those facilities are very expensive to buy and maintain. These include computerized programs and access to internet research databases that students can use to find information all around the world. If a university is only offering its students resources of a decade ago, it’s depriving those students of a tremendous amount of information.
Even the book and magazine budget of universities has gone up tremendously in last decade. More is being published on every subject, and every university wants to have this information available to its students.
It also costs money for universities to keep their libraries open. Students need to have access to all the libraries' research tools as much of time as possible. Because students are young and can stay up all night studying, many universities are starting to leave their libraries open all night during exam periods. This costs money, because the staff has to be paid extra to be there. It also costs money to run the building (electricity, heat) during that time.
Students at universities are only going to benefit from their education if they can get to all the tools they need to learn. Sports are secondary to the resources that students need from university libraries. For this reason, libraries should always be better funded than sport activities.
2 3.
Everyone has a different method for learning. For me, I prefer to take notes in class, rather than simply listening. It is true that for some people, listening will enable them to absorb and understand what is being said. However, taking notes not only helps me in my revision later, but also helps me clarify in my own mind what is being taught. It's particularly useful when the teacher himself is not a particularly structured person--when taking down notes, I am able to put down his thoughts in a way that make sense to me. Of course, taking down notes in class is not just a complete transcription of everything a teacher says, but involves a filtering process to write down only what is relevant and ignoring everything else to produce a set of comprehensive notes. I also find the process of learning to be more engaging if I'm actually writing down what is said, because if I choose only to listen, I tend to get distracted easily. And, of course, the added benefit of having these notes to look at right before an exam is a huge plus.


托福口语题,请帮我回答一下,实在想不出来了,1.Some students prefer to prepare their projects on the due days.Others prefer to prepare their projects much earlier before the due day.Which do you prefer and why?2.Some students prefer to 一道数学题,实在做不出来了,请大家帮我写一写,实在写不出来了,同学也没人懂知道的人请帮我回答一下题目在下面,如果能把怎么分析这题发一下更加好:一辆慢车和一辆快车沿相同路线从A 请帮我回答一下第五题 谁英文听力好点 帮我听一下这个歌曲到底叫啥名 我实在听不出来 关于托福口语准备本人大三,考过gmat,正准备托福.口语很头痛,task1,2主要是理由讲不出来,仔细想想如果我用中文回答,理由也很少.怎样拓宽角度,延伸内容?大谢! 请懂作文的进来教我一下记叙文 《打开一扇窗》 这篇作文如何写,题材是什么.我不需要写的作文我已经想了两个小时了,实在自己想不出来,只好到百度来问一下,希望大家过来帮我一下.我说 请大家帮我回答一下第七题! 历史学的重要性 托福口语题目我想了一条 :从古人那get experience还有一条实在想不出来.不要说什么以史为鉴之类的大话 没法翻译 托福口语提高谁有好办法啊?不要不回答我啊! 托福口语提高谁有好办法啊?不要不回答我啊! 150和45的最小公倍数是多少?我算不出来,请你们帮我算一下! 我不知道怎么做出来的 别人做的 请帮我分析一下谢谢 我实在做不出来, 1234567乘7654321等于多少我实在算不出来,谁帮我算一下,我谢谢他(她)了! 这是一道平方根的题,我实在做不了了,请尽快回答,今晚就要, 帮忙帮我写一个托福口语第一题的段子吧!我要一个关于朋友的 describe a person whom you often time with...最好是有个故事什么的 实在不敢用自己写的> 大家帮我看一下这个印章上面写的什么字,我实在是认不出来. 帮我构思一篇初中作文!题目:“原谅是一枚开心果” 复制的请走!RT,实在想不出来了!大家帮帮我!初三的作文!内容要新颖,并且要符合生活实际!复制的请离开!