
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 02:20:34
改错:1.Reading in bed is a good habit.2.The boy has a good lifestyle .That's why he looks health. be in the habit of 动名词 You can read the English book.I can read, too.(改为同义句) You can read the English book. So ( )You can read the English book. So ( ) ( ). your body rockets into sensory overload如何翻译比较好? UNDER THE HOOD怎么样 under-the-hood是什么意思?在翻译一篇有关汽车CAN总线的论文,多次出现这个词 不知道确切的意思 只知道是在引擎盖下 还有没有更好的翻法 the man is very rich and he has a lot of t______ in his house (treasure) treasures还是treasure 浪漫满屋怎么样?浪漫满屋么样? In some provinces in _ southern China,serious flood breaks out every _ few years.A.the;a B./;a C.the;/ D./;/ 英语翻译A pipeline will be built to () some eastern provinces with natural gas from the west of China.A supplyB sendC sellD offer为什么选它? pest翻译 so So 填成语 欲脱尘网,陶渊明志寄_______ ________,刘禹锡情醉简陋之室 欲脱尘网,陶渊明志寄桃花源 的下联 韩国d It goes without any question that 怎么翻译啊? She wonder how many books she needed to buy.Let's call it a day.两个句子分别改同义句 请把“书如 真理海洋 学是 带人神游 长梯 送我步履 航船 知识峰巅”组成一幅对联,赠送给你的好友 仿写:唯有勤奋者,才能在浩瀚的知识海洋里猎取到真知,才能不断开拓知识领域,使自己变得聪明起来. 实践出真知,一个人要获得任何科学知识,都必须经过自己实践RT 辨析题 公仓鼠比母仓鼠小可以交配吗?我家母的一个月钱买回来的 前几天又买了只公的回来 店主说那只公的已经一个月了 我估计那只母的也就最多三个月而已 我把它们放在一起 就打架怎么办呀~ We never talk l______ when we're in the library. We usually talk quietly in the library.(同意句) 净残值是什么意思呢? 请问预计净残值是什么意思 请问净残值是什么意思啊?谢谢你了啊 残值和净残值,残值率和净残值率怎么解释? Here ( ) a photo and many pictures.括号处填什么? 他的父亲是个怎样的人,用be like 形式英语 It's so good a movie that we all like to see it.(改为同义句)把这句话改为 It's ______ ______ _______ _______ that we all like to see it. 他的父亲是个怎么样的人.翻译