
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 11:49:45
求一首英文歌曲 开头是 hallo hallo 或 hello hello男人唱的如题 what has happened是什么时态的句型 sell什么意思? Sonia,are you a shop assistant?_________ _________ I sell computers.接上面——————Not really.Sometimes it's too boring.I want to be a doctor.A doctor?It's interesting.Yes,I really want to be a doctor.What about you,David?___________I'm a sell是什么意思 I sell it I breathe it 在一个字幕上看到的,有点疑惑~ as .as possible等于什么? Je trouve mon bonheur!好奇怪的签名不符合常规啊 什么英语 我不能理解 saw的同义词以及own,come form,ambition,several,business,simple,assist,discuss的同义词急! 的答案谢谢,很感谢! 炎炎烈火焰烧天 焰里还生一朵莲 到底永成根不坏 依然枝叶色新鲜 这几句的含义是什么? assist 复数形式 用assist的适当形式填空If you want me,come to me for my ____.If I am to finish this work soom,I must employ an_____.He asked us to ____ him in carrying through their plan 证明:3/2 × 5/4 ×………× (2n 1)/2n>√n 1.谢...证明:3/2 × 5/4 ×………× (2n 1)/2n>√n 1. 若线段a,b,c,满足:a:b:c=3:4:5,且a+b+c=60,求线段2c-3a-b的长.知道的告诉下. 大哥 坐标反算后的结果与象限角是什么关系 又怎样把反算的结果换算成正确的坐标方位角哪 第五课的答案课后题1和3 一年级的小孩子是学口语好呢还是学基础语法好呢? duplex duplex formation duplex release什么意思是贸易上的术语, kill the pain请问这个短语是什么意思? 第三小题和第五小题选什么要过程日后必有重谢拜托了各位哥哥姐姐们亲~ There were signs here and there,_____visitors to look out for ____rocks.A warning,fallen B warning,falling c warned,falling d to warm,fallen为什么 B)There were signs here and there,______visitors to look out for____rocks.A.warning;fallen B.warninwarning;fallingC.to warn;fallen为什么不能选D呢 There are signs here,___visitors to look out for the rocksThere are signs here,_______visitors to look out for the rocksA.warn B.warning C.warned D.to warn 高三了为什么英语作文写得好还有口语也还不错然后前面阅读和语法等题目做得好烂呢 There are ___ signs here.A.a lot B.a lot of C.much 孙权劝学中鲁肃是个怎样的人?从鲁肃跟吕蒙“结友”这件事中 at the prisoner; some shookust repeat over the same thingland on which they werebut only their own devices the toytown