
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 11:32:08
my shoes( )blue.bur this pair of shoes( )blmy shoes( )blue.bur this pair of shoes( )blacka.are are is c.i are d.are is 英语语法问题:in there/in hereHow hot it is in here!这句话中here前面带in,不是语法错误吗? 在边长为12的等边三角形ABC中,AD为BC边上中线,M是AD上的动点,已知从A点移动到M点速度为2,从M点移动到B点速度为1,求从A到M点,再从M到B点的最小时间 求大虾们帮忙解决一道英语题They will come here in an hour.(对in an hour提问)()()will they come here?(开头两个单词) 已知如图,△ABC是边长为3cm的等边三角形,动点P.Q同时从A.B两点出发,分别沿AB,BC方向速度移动,它们的速度都是1cm/s,当点P达点B时,P,Q两点停止运动,设点P的运动时间为t(s),四边形APQC是y3)设PQ的长 This driver got ___(hurt)in the acciden 英语翻译AbstractThe range of As concentrations found in natural waters is large,ranging from less than 0.5 mg l\11 to more than 5000mg l\11.Typical concentrations in freshwater are less than 10 mg l\11 and frequently less than 1 mg l\11.Rarely,mu 如图所示 正三角形ABC 边长10厘米 边AB上动点P和BC上动点Q P是从A点开始以每分钟1厘米的速度向B移动(接上) Q点是从B向c的方向移动 ,问 当PQ两点的距离最小的时候,是开始后的几分钟? 我的笔比他的笔贵一点 翻译英文 注意:“一点” 初一用祈使句句改写下列句子1.The teacher asks us to be quiet.2.My mother let me to have a rest.3.My brother tells me not to play computer games.4.My aunt asks us not to be afraid.5.Our teacher told him not to be late again.6.The old man t 英语翻译辽宁省丹东市元宝区锦山大街107号 这个地址 准确翻译 英语翻译将“基于这样的一种设计理念,我选用“旧物改造”系列家具设计为主题.首先通过对日常生活中的一些没有利用价值的油漆桶并对其进行一定的设计与改造;其次通过对其进行改变 I will breathe behind your love. James often asks his teacher to help him.同义句 John often asks his teacher( )help 已知在三角形abc中∠ACB=90°AC=BC,现将一块边长足够大的直角三角板的直角顶点置于AB的中点D处,两直角边分别经过点B,C然后将三角板绕点D按顺时针方向旋转一个角度,旋转后直角三角板的直角 如图,已知△ABC是等边三角形,边长为1.① 操作:把一块含90o角的三角板的直角顶点放在BC边上,记作D点,如图,已知△ABC是等边三角形,边长为1.① 操作:把一块含90o角的三角板的直角顶点放在BC At last they came to a conclusion _____ the driver was responsible for the accident1.that2.which3.what4.why I will become a bad woman love you back. Everyone give a little love,the world will become a better 如图,已知△ABC是等边三角形,去一把含有60°角的直角三角尺,将60°角的顶点放在边BC的中点D上旋转,使60°角的两边与边AB、AC交于点E、F,联结E、F(1)求证:△BDE∽△CFD(2)试判断图中是否还 Which driver was _____ for the accident?A:to blame B:to be blamed C:blaming D:blamed The driver,( ) the passengers,( ) responsiblThe driver,( ) the passengers,( ) responsible for the accident.为什么是rathan than ; is you have took root profoundly in my 14.______ a dog on the road,the car stopped.A.Having seen B.On seeingC.The driver seeing D.Seeing为什选c可以详细点吗 A car with its lights on and horn blaring stopped on the road.请问,这句能写成定语从句,如下吗A car that the lights is on and the horn is blaring stopped on the road.可以吗 Here is a radio ___ of the weather in spring . ( ) a radio report of the weather in ChinaA.Here is B.It is C.There be D.Its选哪个?为什么? 翻译一句话.要求意思忠实原文,且通顺.The Organizing Committee is responsible for the strategic and operational implementation of the local communication strategy. 急 “ 定金是总货款的30%”英语“剩下的70%交货时付清” BOXING怎么样 何如知道在英国的商品会不会在boxing day打折