
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:04:43
public class 与class的区别? 马路边树要到了该找谁我们小区旁有颗树死了,随时都有到的可能.想想真可怕,若砸到行人或车辆谁负责.不知道哪个部门管这个,请大家帮帮忙! C# public static readonly class myclass= new class(); 求解释清楚一点 I need to buy some things for my classes同义句 I need to buy some things for my classes改为同义句 mom and I need to buy some things for my family 什么意思 I need ___(buy)some school things.横线上面填什么 40岁男人找20岁的女人说说你们想法 Why don't you take a little break?---Don't we just have __ 15 minutes ago?Ait Bthat C one Why don't we take a little rest? Didn't we just have ____ ? A.it B.that C,one .为什么答案是B呢? four times eight is thirty-two if you_ four _eight,you get thirty-two. four times nine ,four into thirty-two ,eight elevens,请按顺序回答 问一下人吃了多少老鼠药会死?吃下多长时间之后死?我不想听其他的废话!我只要答案和结果!如果不洗胃呢?多长时间能死? Why don't we take a little break?Didn’t we just have_.A.it B.that C.one Dthis为什么是C,而不能是it? 《互联网用户“三权”保护白皮书》是什么? 《互联网用户“三权”保护白皮书》有什么作用? “三权”白皮书有什么作用? 英语翻译New term is coming,all things have changed,but one thing I have never forgot,which is studying studying and studying.Next term,I will went the senior school,so I must do a good job in entrance exam of senior school.As these reason,I plan 英语翻译Dear friends Here are my points.We students of today have to pay much attention to our lessons and know little of society though it's not our fault.A holiday is the best time to make up for that.Taking a part-time job is a good form of so ---Why don't take a little break?---Didn't we just have__?A.it B.that C.one D.this 英语翻译My perfect holiday When I was young,I always had interesting holiday.But now I'm a teenager.I don't have a perfect holiday at all.So I always imagine I would have a perfect holiday.My perfect holiday I haven't had a perfect holiday,becaus they have _____(already,just) lived in thailand for twenty years They already_____(leave)和They have already_______(leave)一样吗?不一样的话可以跟我解释一下为什么吗?还有填空应该怎么填? They already have left.还是The have already left.哪个顺序对啊? 英语翻译 Why do not we take a little break Did not we just have __?Ait C one D that选哪个?三者区别 just和already有什么区别吗?在现在完成时里,just和already都表示已经做完.just表示动作刚刚完成,already表示动作早已完成.但在一些填空题里往往很难分清什么时候用哪个词.如:I've ____had breakfast.似 科学家、政治家、化学家、哲学家的英语怎么说 如这题:She has____finished her lunch,but she hasn't washed her bowls____.A already,yet B just,already C already,just D just,yet 这句应该选A还是选D呢?为什么?可是为什么在其他网站上选的是A呢?我问的是just与already的不 just和 already的用法有什么区别? 现在完成时中,怎么区分already 和 just