
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 12:25:52
一道高中英语单选The garden is __this month,looking __beautiful.A.at best,most B.at its best,most C.for the best,the most D.at the best,the mos为什么best前要加its,为什么most前不加the呢 彩虹的七种颜色分别用英语怎么说 三角形中最小的是一个50度角这是一个什么三角形. Only after he had an operation on his heart _____ he should do sth.for others in the rest of his life.A.he had realized.B.had he realized.C.he realized.D.did he realized本人对这个句式看不太明白,对对对,题抄错了,是realize, 彩虹有哪七种颜色?不要对我说是红,黄,蓝,绿,紫, 为什么彩虹有七种颜色? 彩虹到底是哪七种颜色?到底是红橙黄绿青蓝紫还是红橙黄绿蓝靛紫?搞得我到现在高中生了都还不清楚`! 彩虹的七种颜色分别是什么快 彩虹为什么有七种颜色 英语翻译Continuity:During the pursuit on the roofs after two Yamakasi steal the painting in the lady's apartment,their masks are repeatedly on and off between shots. 一个三角形,一个最小的内角是46度,这个三角形一定是( )三角形 一个三角形中,最小的内角度数是48度,这个三角形一定是锐角三角形.判断对错,给出原因.速回. 一个锐角三角形的最小内角不能大于(),最大内角不能小于( ) ABCD,ab都为初中化学中常见的物质,其中ABCD都含有同种元素,A为一种白色固体化合物,D一种黑色固体单质,B为气体氧化物,b为固体氧化物,..推出化学式B_____________C________写出C与b反应转化为B(方程 彩虹的七种颜色是什么 高中英语单选几道.1.________A_ many times,but he still couldn’t understand it.A.He was told B.Though he had been told C.Having been told D.Being toldWith the development of Internet,_____A___ communication is done by regular mail.A.less B.mo 谁给我几道超难的高中英语单选?最好有解析 1.With the oil in the car_____,they had no chance of driving fordwards.A.running out of B.running out C.ran out of D.ran out2._____straight on and you'll see a church.You won't miss it.A.Go B.Going C.If you go D.When going3._____is known to ererybody 几道高中英语单选,p191.I _____go there alone,but he ____go there by himselfa.dare,doesn't dare b.dare to,dares not c.dare,dare not d.dare to,doesn;t dare2.I have fallen behind in my study,so i have got to_____a.make an effort b,make efforts c. 下列说法中正确的有①三角形的三个内角至少有两个角是锐角②三角形的三个内角中至下列说法中正确的有①三角形的三个内角至少有两个角是锐角②三角形的三个内角中至少有一个角不小 命题“三角形三个内角中至少有两个锐角”是对的还是错的?看到某人说是错的,究竟怎么回事? 紧急……初三的……很简单的……化学题……啊如果把一条用导热性能良好的粗金属丝(如铜丝或铝丝)绕成的线圈罩在一支燃烧的蜡烛的火焰上,蜡烛的火焰很快就熄灭了.如果预先把金属 彩虹有7种什么颜色组成? 单选When Premiier Zhou Enlai was alive,he ------- work from morning until night every day,dealing with numerous affairs.A.would B.could C.must D.might要解析和原因, 锐角三角形的三个内角是角A、角B、角C,如果角α=角A+角B,角β=角B+角C,角γ=角C+角A,那么角α、角β、角γ这三个角中( )(A)没有锐角 (B)有1个锐角 (C)有2个锐角 (D)有3个锐角 在三角形ABC中、内角A 、B、C的对边分别为a、b、c,角A为锐角,且满足且满足3b=5asinB (1) 求Sin2A+cos方(B+C)/2的值 锐角三角形ABC的内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,a=2bsinA.(1)求角B的大小;(2)若a=3√3,c=5,求b.求过程,谢谢! 设△ABC是锐角三角形a.b.c分别是内角A.B.C所对边长,并且sin^A=sin(π/3+B)sin(π/3-B)+sin^B.1.求角A的2.若向量AB*向量AC=12,a=2√7,求b,c(其中b<c) 初三的化学 很简单的两个题目 我直接上图 晚上回来看答案.第一题:http://hiphotos.baidu.com/cyf4565456/pic/item/3d32da600a2d3ff18db10dd3.jpg第二题:图太大 上传了就模糊了 所以分了两部分 抱歉第一部分 I tried to call jack ,but the voice ___answered the phone was not his.A.whose B.that C.who D.whom求句子类型,做什么成分, (求救)高中英语单选1,Each number in the series 2-4-8-16 is twice as large as the ( ) number. A previous D front 我选D但答案是A,2,really?A MP3 player for $10 is real a bargain .Is it real ( )?A yet Bstill C though 用反证法证明:“三角形中至少有两个角是锐角”第一步假设是什么?